Example sentences of "[that] can [be] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Go through gate then bear right across field heading for stile that can be seen on skyline .
2 The features that can be seen by colposcopy do not , however , correspond well with the severity of histological abnormality .
3 And despite the universal competition of animals for limited resources , settled territoriality will , like ritualized fighting and dominance , have the consequence of reducing the amount of naked aggression that can be seen in nature .
4 The two will develop and qualify a general-purpose 0.35-micron CMOS technology by the end of 1994 for volume production the following year , which will involve shrinking the smallest feature sizes on logic chips by more than two times and increase the layers of metal interconnect , increasing the number of transistors that can be integrated on logic devices by a factor of 10 compared with products such as current-generation Am386 devices and Hewlett-Packard 's 99MHz Precision Architecture RISC — the Am386 devices are manufactured in 0.8-micron technology .
5 Freedom is not something that can be asserted in opposition to law ; it is the residue of conduct permitted in the sense that no statute or common-law rule prohibits it .
6 Seasiders have traditionally viewed the shore and estuaries as an interesting playground with a few resources that can be gathered for supper .
7 There are products available that will remove the most stubborn of paint sprays and it 's likely that the local Public Works Depot will have a graffiti removal squad that can be called into action to remove any offensive spray paint .
8 We were taxed by ethical issues when we set up the elective ventilation protocol : ethics may be defined as what is right , and in turn that can be regarded as behaviour that causes no distress , offence , or indignity in the context of current societal values .
9 This cost advantage is unlikely to be maintained over systems that can be run at street level .
10 A very addictive game that can be run in CGA , EGA or VGA mode .
11 In my judgment , provided the specified precondition is met , the only limitations on the type of order that can be made under section 6(2) that are justified by the statutory language are that the order must be intended to restore all the parties to the transaction to their respective former positions and that the steps directed by the order to be taken must be reasonably capable of doing so .
12 The points I have endeavoured to make regarding the scope of orders that can be made under section 6(2) have implications for the present case .
13 The thrust of Peter Roper 's paper is to outline the practical use that can be made of computer technology in Industrial Relations applications , not to give detailed descriptions of programs or suites .
14 Undergravel filters must just about be the most versatile type of filter that can be made at home .
15 This does not mean that there are no generalizations that can be made about evolution , but it does make biology a different kind of science from physics .
16 But with most businesses having something like 40 per cent of their current assets and around 25 per cent of their total assets tied up in monies owing from trade debtors ( ie , the ones that can be converted into cash to pay their bills and wages ) this is far from ideal .
17 Track down fitness shops for staple items of dancewear that can be worn from morning to night .
18 Perhaps the boat with the most character — even though it did not make the final selection — was the PDQ ; an amateur effort that can be built at home from cheap parts .
19 In doing so the ‘ enlightenment ’ that can be gained from research in helping us develop good child care policy and practice should be just that which should inform good policy and practice for child abuse .
20 But this is not the only mathematical experience that can be gained from tower construction .
21 For only where there are seams of Belemnita quadrata chalk , covered by a layer of Tertiary debris , will the vines produce radiant crops on the Falaises , and grapes that can be turned into champagne which has champagne 's unique , inimitable flavour . ’
22 Current assets are those that can be turned into cash at short notice , in addition to cash in hand or at the bank .
23 Current assets are those that can be turned into cash at short notice , in addition to cash in hand or at the bank .
24 Both particles created in a single fusion reaction carry energy that can be turned into heat and , ultimately , into electricity .
25 Sight deposits are any deposits that can be withdrawn on demand by the depositor without penalty .
26 The only thing that can be said for astrology is that it makes money for those who write and publish horoscopes , despite being wrong on most occasions .
27 The one thing that can be said with certainty about mildew is that it is unpredictable .
28 ‘ HERE is the new Shorter Oxford Dictionary of which the first thing that can be said with confidence is that if you drop it on your foot you will never walk unaided again ’ — Commentator Bernard Levin .
29 The one thing that can be said in favour is that it sends vegans and animal rights activists incandescent with rage .
30 One thing that can be said in opposition to the simultaneity idea is that if we persist in thinking precisely of causation , of one thing causing another , as distinct from any related kind of connection , we are inclined to try to substitute successions for simultaneities .
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