Example sentences of "[that] would [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was like interviewing someone who had answered one of her frequent advertisements for a daily maid , trying to create a spurious atmosphere of equality and friendship that would compensate for the low pay she had to offer .
2 But if disposing of the waste generated by the Hinkley C reactor during its normal operation was a problem , what about the waste that would result from the eventual shutdown and dismantling at the end of its hoped-for forty years of operational life — the process described as ‘ decommissioning ’ ?
3 Will he contrast that excellent achievement under Conservative trade union law with the undoubted industrial chaos that would result in the unlikely event of the Labour party 's returning to government ?
4 In the same way it might consider with sister Training Boards what possibilities there were for training part-time farmers and their families in non-agricultural activities that would contribute to the rural community .
5 He was playing with her emotions , stringing them out like a taut band that would snap at the slightest pressure .
6 Living in the troubled times of the late fourth and early fifth centuries , St Augustine regarded the Christian era as the age of senility and decay that would lead to the seventh age when time would end , although he was careful not to forecast a definite date for this .
7 We put in at a very tiny stream that would lead to the main waterway .
8 The owners ' research problem was to get a light that would function in the methane-rich atmosphere of the ‘ crept ’ workings .
9 He devised a cheap lamp that would burn in the methane-rich atmosphere of the crept workings without instantly exploding .
10 Even extremists of the 1960s , who believed that the task of a school was to ensure that children enjoyed themselves while they were pupils , must have had in mind , as well , some further outcome , some advantage that would flow in the long run to the children who had been encouraged , under that regime , to ‘ grow ’ and ‘ blossom ’ and ‘ flourish ’ in the ‘ learning situation ’ provided by the class-room .
11 The architects of the Constitution were accordingly intent upon constructing political mechanisms that would allow for the essential minimum level of government without encroaching on their hard-won liberties .
12 Alternatively , should LA implement a matching strategy that would allow for the missing schwa ?
13 Nor did it want the return of a population that would dissent from the Zionist identity of the state and threaten it demographically .
14 And it soon emerged that the government had systematically arranged breaches of the Drinking Water Directive that would stretch into the next century .
15 Rubber wetsuits they regarded with distaste as contraceptive sheaths that would interfere with the primal experience .
16 They themselves might suffer from the climate , but if they managed to survive and interbreed the chances are that in a few generations their offspring would have reverted to wild-type coats once again , as a result of the inevitable mixing that would occur among the stray cat colonies .
17 His brief , in short , was the owners ' brief — to build a lamp that would work in the methane-rich atmospheres that existed in crept workings .
18 Iris and Nils continued taking turns at the galley stove with the inevitable result that the dynamo that would run off the free-turning prop when we were sailing arrived by air from the States before the alterations to the drive shaft were complete .
19 The answers to these questions are discovered from the diagram ( given certain simple diagrammatic transformations carried out by the system , which are structurally analogous to changes that would happen in the real world ) , rather than being computed in terms of abstract mathematical equations and specific numerical values .
20 At the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944 the Allies came together in an attempt to design an international monetary system that would operate in the post-war period .
21 Gorbachev 's speech on his election as party leader laid proper emphasis on domestic priorities , but also called for better relations with the ‘ great socialist community ’ , particularly China , and for the continuation of ‘ peaceful , mutually advantageous cooperation ’ with the capitalist world , leading if possible to an agreement that would provide for the complete elimination of nuclear arms and with them the threat of nuclear war .
22 Yo , Picasso has an assertiveness that would appeal to the combative collector .
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