Example sentences of "[that] would [verb] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It remains a Soviet priority to dissuade the ASEAN states from taking the final step that would transform ASEAN into a Western-sponsored security system .
2 ‘ Hello , love , ’ said her father , coming in from the kitchen where he had been shelling the succulent fresh prawns that would form part of a cold seafood and salad lunch , before the hot turkey dinner this evening .
3 The Rebbe has told Israeli followers to vote against left-wing parties that would cede land to the Palestinians — an action he maintains would be militarily disastrous .
4 Among them is one that would lift restrictions on the voting rights of shares .
5 A bargaining position was established that would draw attention to the needs of the lowest paid workers , and , hopefully , lead to a reasonable wage settlement .
6 It had to be a safe name , innocuous , nothing that would draw attention to the past .
7 For this purpose , ‘ contingent liabilities ’ includes all transactions guaranteeing , underwriting , or pledging assets as collateral security for , obligations of a third party and ‘ commitments ’ includes every irrevocable commitment that would give rise to a credit risk .
8 Marking his way carefully to the door that would give entry to the parcels office , he shone his torch around him .
9 Following an appeal by UN Secretary-General Perez de Cuellar for a cease-fire over civilian-populated areas , this was accepted by both sides and the secretary-general now sought to widen it into something that would give effect to the Security Council resolutions , call for an end to the fighting altogether .
10 He persuaded the Board in 1970 to recognise that a new kind of qualification was now required , one that would give status to the more ‘ creative ’ approach to drama in schools .
11 Such conditions could occur in a very big hydrogen bomb : the physicist John Wheeler once calculated that if one took all the heavy water in all the oceans of the world , one could build a hydrogen bomb that would compress matter at the center so much that a black hole would be created .
12 Darwin was one of a small group of naturalists who took the opposite route , following Lyell in the search for natural processes at work in the present and the recent past that would throw light on the distribution of life around the globe today .
13 The dispute , which has been simmering for years , came to the boil in April when Michael Harcourt , the province 's premier , revealed a scheme that would protect 33% of the region , permit limited logging in 17% , and open the rest to extensive ( although , at least in theory , well-managed ) timber harvesting .
14 In no time at all you 've got a professional looking report that would do justice to a public company , let alone a sales manager .
15 The only concession to technology is a 12V CD player and a selection of discs that would do justice to a small radio station .
16 McAllister could not but agree with him , and had to stifle a grin as he led them around , the women staring , and the men , manifestly bored , dragged along to accompany wives and girlfriends who would , that night , describe their visit to the East End in terms that would do justice to a journey up the Amazon .
17 Madreidetic 's most vulnerable possession , and Spiderglass was about to blow it and its eight hundred thousand inhabitants to incandescent death that would rain destruction on the Earth below .
18 He , Ben Lowe , would start the newspaper of the new dawn , the paper that would restore faith in the discredited medium , the paper that would be not just a paper , but far more .
19 The first link in the chain of events that would unleash chaos on the world .
20 Replace all metal drainpipes with plastic ones ( which are far too flimsy for anyone to scale ) , remove any trees near the house that would assist ascent to the first floor and absolutely never leave ladders outside the house , front or back , always lock them away .
21 A little shaky a little bumpy the start of a thousand mile journey that would test endurance to the limit .
22 Devise a history project for Key Stage 1 that would allow output in the form of role-play or model-making .
23 All are supposed to turn into multi-processors by the middle of next year when HP comes up with symmetric multi-processing upgrade packages that would boost performance at the top end by 75% .
24 A few minutes later , installed in the office , a small room looking out on to the quarantine quarters , Sophie tried to find a topic of conversation that would keep things on a professional basis .
25 He referred to only one of the Opposition 's policies that would wreak havoc on the British economy .
26 Although a fivefold increase in funding for academic general practice may seem inconceivable it is a comparatively modest sum that would drive change in the balance of clinical education and pay handsome dividends for both the patients and the profession as a whole .
27 Should more hydrogen problems develop , NASA has built a ‘ purge ’ system that would drive helium into the rear sections of the shuttle to clear out any pockets of hydrogen .
28 Er and I , as Mr Curtis has suggested , if Mr Shepherd who conducted the greenbelt local plan enquiry decided on massive relaxation or substantial relaxation on the inner boundary , er of the greenbelt , er and the implication being that er some of that land could be made available for housing , then yes , as a matter of principal that would cast doubt on the new settlement er strategy in terms of the in terms of the numbers , conversely , if you look at another option , if you , for example , confirmed the new settlement strategy but thought that the development requirement for Greater York really was er needed to be larger than nine thousand seven hundred dwellings , twelve thousand , thirteen thousand , and I hope not , then the County Council would need to have a look at the issue of one as opposed to two new settlements , and again we will do that , and we will not take any decisions on the basis of having one report , er but not another , and I hope er that that is helpful , I can confirm that er at the end of this month the Greater York authorities will be meeting , erm and er they will be urgently looking towards erm progress erm on this issue .
29 Within a year , Dall had devised a machine that would reduce handwriting to the scale of 140 bibles to the square inch .
30 In August Najibullah claimed that the PDPA would even countenance ‘ settling up a government that would include representatives of the political forces now outside the country , but who sincerely want to participate in the nationwide process of building a new Afghanistan ’ .
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