Example sentences of "[that] she [vb mod] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She slipped under the bedclothes and switched on the reading lamp , adamant that she would shove him to the furthest corner of her mind , but the minute she opened her book her brain started working again , throwing up images of him , the way he smiled , that confident knowing look in his eyes when he addressed her .
2 She was hurt that John had said nothing to her about it , and decided that she would avoid him in future .
3 His apprehension arose not out of a fear that she would ruin him by extravagant expenditure but from a neurotic anxiety that if she knew how much money he had put away , she might feel free to leave him .
4 So it was a great disappointment to discover that she was quite unlike all the other home-bred horses , and that she would give nothing in return to those who cared for her and bestowed affection upon her .
5 Susan and Gay were the people she liked best in the world , and when her father died she had made a mental vow that she would do everything in her power to make life happy for this sister of hers who had worked so hard and shown such courage .
6 If she was not my mother she would be ideal but her views are coloured by the fact that she would watch anything with my name at the end of it .
7 It was obvious to her that her niece already had the strength and resolution to ensure that she would make something of her life .
8 She walked down Chestnut Drive , and as she picked a leaf off a privet hedge here , and ran her hand along a row of railings there , she thought that it was not so bad after all , and that she would tell them about it : they always said , when accused of indifference , that they were interested , so she would jolly well try to make them show a bit of their interest .
9 To get her into a routine , I started leaving food out at the same time and place every day , always whistling the same tune , so that she would associate it with being fed .
10 Whereas it used to be assumed that she would follow him around the country and around the world , it is now not uncommon for wives to decide to stay put in order to further their own careers , or so that they do not disrupt their children 's education .
11 The doctor offered Rose slimming tablets to help her lose even more weight but he said he was not very hopeful that she would lose it from her legs .
12 When Bassanio asked the doctor , a dressed up Portia , how he could pay her , she answered that she would take nothing but the ring .
13 Might not some echo of it reach her mind , so that she would know someone of hers had been near ; that she had not been deserted ?
14 On my last full day in her house , Mrs Knelle declared that she would drive me through the mountains of Joyce 's Country to the edge of Connemara .
15 As for killing Havvie , I did not think that she would thank me for the scandal , ’ he finished simply .
16 ‘ Not that she would have me in any event . ’
17 And that caught the interest of everyone straight away er , budgeting , how to be able to look at banking etcetera , and I said well and I want you to do that first so I do n't mind mainly because I was gon na work wi with Anne about the , with the environments , and then it 's science , could n't cover with the with the environment that she would like me in tutorial to do and er she has n't , well it 's not her now , unfortunately , I think it 's Sue that is supposed to be working with me cos I want to do something on recycling of rubbish etcetera within the school and do a big sort of er project on it .
18 Gazzer had been afraid that she would say something like : ‘ Well , you need n't have bothered ! ’ or ‘ You and whose army ! ’
19 ‘ I thought you would wish to know , sir , that Her Ladyship is making good progress and I should like to take her further afield to tackle typical hunting country , so that she may get plenty of practice before she actually attends a meet . ’
20 Her virtue is so important to her that she can more easily contemplate her brother sacrificing his life to save her virginity than that she might sacrifice herself for him .
21 Previously he had had no worry about her possible infidelity or that she might leave him for a more effective performer .
22 So she thought that she might take it on trust .
23 She went rapidly through the story , and remembered that she 'd read it at the time .
24 Far from being tempted to explain anything then , she was of the view that she 'd see him in hell first .
25 Later that day , Mrs Knelle declared that she 'd take me for a drive , to see Ashford Castle , a local stately home that was now an hotel .
26 And what was it but deception that she should present herself at Vendelin Gajdusek 's home and allow him to think she was her sister ?
27 And then I thought I would write and suggest that she should suggest herself to tea one day and not only did she have the effrontery to do so but she brought her husband .
28 Atrimonides gestured with his gun , indicating that she should precede him from the gallery .
29 I rubbed the noses of one or two under the frowning suspicious gaze of Ms Brown who was not pleased to be told that she should let me in whenever I asked , eh ?
30 I actually think that , I know it is more complicated and messy but I think that she should pick someone from res .
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