Example sentences of "[that] we [modal v] [verb] in the " in BNC.

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1 You can either do what we 've already done or you can base it on stuff that we 'll do in the future .
2 One thing we were both sure of was that we would return in the near future with no carp tackle , but to fish purely for the cats , that is if we can get booked of course .
3 I accept that , and I admit that there have been occasions when I and other hon. Members have blackmailed various organisations , including British Rail , with the amount of time that we would take in the House unless they did something to improve the position of our constituents .
4 As a result of the Maastricht conferences and the debates that we shall have in the House we shall create a real , true Europe — a new Europe that is neither federal nor based upon free trade alone .
5 It is to the detail of these developments that we shall turn in the following chapters .
6 The numbers of staff that we shall employ in the new office will be those needed to discharge the duties set out in clause 2 .
7 Given what has already been said about identity , it is unlikely that we shall find in the anorexic a unity of text .
8 Perfect or absolute Truth , which is known by faith , is beyond our empirical grasp which means that we must act in the knowledge that we are holding on to such truth as we are able to apprehend in this world .
9 and the Stationmaster 's office faced the platform but there is another door that to get into as soon as you got in the main door to the left , you see and with a flap and that 's the door that we used to take in the parcels , you see and very often we used to go in that door or sometimes we would go through o on to the platform and go in the Stationmaster 's door , you see and then there again , if I took messages to the Stationmaster on the single telegraph er I had to go down the steps because th more often than not that they were in the basement .
10 And I had a catalogue the other day from a , an environmental erm agency it was n't Greenpeace it was something like that that were ac actually now offering these soap savers that we used to have in the war to press your bits of soap into Magazines were full of tips for saving fuel .
11 Our playmates swam quietly to the edge of the pool , while Lorne and I began to climb out until signalled that we could remain in the water if we wished .
12 I agree with the hon. Member for Carshalton and Wallington ( Mr. Forman ) that by far the most useful thing that we could do in the short run would be to fund a payments union among the commonwealth of independent states so that they could at least have a currency in which to trade with one another .
13 We tidied up our rooms and cleaned the kitchens , dragging out the mundane tasks so that we could stay in the warm .
14 I think probably Chairman , it 's the best deal that we could get in the circumstances .
15 Your belief , as I understand it , is that we should accept not knowing what the future will be like and that we should trust in the abilities of ourselves , and of everyone else , to be surprised by what happenS , to be changed by it , and to be able to react in new ways that at present we do not know ?
16 The Lord 's Prayer teaches us that we should forgive in the same measure we have been forgiven .
17 Lastly it is most important of all that teachers apply the process of clarification to their own values and their own vision of education , and it is to this issue that we will turn in the next chapter .
18 Is not that the best investment that we can make in the long-term future for that troubled area ?
19 Since it seems unlikely that we can generate in the foreseeable future materials that are structurally similar to natural tissue , while having the most appropriate functional properties , the possibility has emerged of using traditional or advanced materials as functional substrates and modifying their surfaces , with biological components or their analogues , to provide optimal biocompatibility. one of the most exciting possibilities here is using biomimetic surfaces as described in the article by Dennis Chapman and Stephen Charles .
20 It is vital that our children have the best possible education to allow them not only to have the best possible standard of life and maximise their opportunities , but for the benefit of Britain , so that we can compete in the world in trade and industry .
21 But I do n't know that we can get in the day to day running of the Sports Centre .
22 Of course , the Planck energy is a very long way from the energies of around a hundred GeV , which are the most that we can produce in the laboratory at the present time .
23 Not not , bring people down to the worst conditions that we can find in the world to be competitive .
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