Example sentences of "[that] they [vb past] [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The penalty seemed pretty clear-cut and it was a stroke of luck that they 'd just substituted Fashanu as he is their usual penalty taker ( pretty reliable from what I can recall ) .
2 They had looked at each other , disconcerted at this apparent lack of liaison , but McLeish had been reassuring : very natural that they had n't compared notes , extremely useful that he now knew how long the car had been there .
3 But , however this may be , the pope proceeded to the practical consequences of the new state of affairs : those who had already received lay investiture , or done homage , or consecrated others who had received lay investiture , were absolved ; for the future , those who received ecclesiastical preferment and did homage to the king could be consecrated , provided that they had not received investiture at the king 's hands ; and this was to continue until the heart of the king was softened by the rain of Anselm 's preaching .
4 And nearly all of them were conscious that they had not told Inspector Rose the whole truth .
5 By their preaching and writing , the apostles showed that they had finally grasped Jesus ' point that the Bible 's main practical purpose is to draw people to himself as their Saviour .
6 However , the majority of teachers who were interviewed claimed that they had not done anything different from what they would have done were they not being observed , but that they had probably prepared lessons more carefully and thought things through more .
7 It was rumoured that they had already burned farms in other villages , so their mere presence filled the Fontanellatesi with terror .
8 It appeared that they had already approached Boeing on this matter and had tried to induce another key employee to join them .
9 He also refers to Johnson 's condemnation in 1760 of the fashion for defaming and decrying the House of Stuart ; and he reports a violent argument between Johnson and a Whig called Taylor , during which Johnson not only insisted that the Stuarts owned the true right to the throne of England , but that people disliked the Hanoverians ( as Johnson himself did ) and were so disaffected by them that they had generally lost interest in the monarchy altogether .
10 The longest and costliest criminal trial in US history ended on Jan. 18 when Raymond Buckey and his mother , Peggy McMartin Buckey , were acquitted of charges that they had sexually molested children at their family-owned kindergarten in Los Angeles , California .
11 Responding to criticism from neighbouring countries , including Russia , the Chinese authorities said that they had always exercised restraint in nuclear testing and that China was still committed to a complete ban on nuclear testing within the framework of effective nuclear disarmament .
12 It had got rid of this , the old order and new power relations had been established and so it should n't be regarded so much as an economic failure but as a profound political and social reform , which is an important step towards the Party 's ultimate aim of communism , and going back to the beginning of my paper that how that they had always seen industrialization as a means to an end and that how that socialism and ultimately communism could only be achieved through stages and so that , although it was an economic failure , it was a sort of a social
13 Of course , it was probably quite an ordeal for Humans to sup with giants , although Inchbad was pleased to think that they had all treated Fenella and the other two with courtesy .
14 What was evident was that they had all expected Comrade Andrew to join them , even Alice , who knew he disapproved .
15 Even though it was common knowledge that the Merkuts were the power behind the throne , no one could say that they had ever demanded precedence after Artai .
16 The castle was in such a state of disrepair that they decided not to spend money on it , and eventually it was demolished .
17 The national gallery told the Minister 's predecessor , the right hon. Member for Shoreham — no doubt the arguments were repeated to the Minister personally by many of the trustees and directors of the museums — that they did not want powers of disposal — not because they did not trust their own intellectual judgment , but , following the line set down in the Museums and Galleries Commission 's 1988 report on the national gallery , because those powers should not be forced on the galleries .
18 At a meeting at the end of 1989 between Navan Resources and the islanders , the company were told by the islanders that they did not want gold mining .
19 6 people were removed from the country when they signed a paper agreeing to leave the country voluntarily , however due to the fact that they did not speak English they were unaware of what they were signing .
20 Danckwerts LJ , giving the first judgment , first easily reached the conclusion that they did not form part of the structure and then went on …
21 The Czechoslovak authorities maintained throughout that all such arms deals were intended to help counter " problems of unemployment " , and that they did not represent part of the Czechoslovak Army 's own weapons stocks but were newly-manufactured weapons .
22 It does little for the already low standing of politicians in the public esteem for Major to say effectively that they did not have plans to raise taxes then and they only did it because it was necessary .
23 Hitherto , police and local authorities thought that they did not have power to deal with it adequately .
24 Women did not qualify for a ‘ family wage ’ since it was assumed ( erroneously in some cases ) that they lived at home with parents or relatives and that they did not have dependants to support financially .
25 For example , if someone says that they did not have time to read the material and asks for a summary from the author or chairman , politely refuse .
26 The Court of Appeal in Fritschy [ 1985 ] 31 July LEXIS ( not reported in [ 1985 ] Crim LR 745 on this point ) said that they did not understand Lord Roskill 's comment , but anyway the accused was not guilty because he had done nothing in England which had not been expressly authorised by the victim when he collected krugerrands in England .
27 However , people who confessed that they did not understand interest rates at all well ( see below ) were more likely than average to find that the total cost of their most recent credit transaction had been more than they had planned .
28 Upper socio-economic single girls were much more likely to say that they did not use soap and water because it would ruin their skin .
29 Everything was perfect except that when I came to train experimentally naive monkeys , I discovered that they did not like peanuts .
30 Many pioneers of women 's education made it quite clear that they did not accept Emily Davies ' view that girls might be trained in the same way as boys , and argued that they should be given an opportunity , by way of , for example , domestic science classes , to prepare for the lives a majority of them would lead as wives and mothers .
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