Example sentences of "[that] i have [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I only want him to say that I 've done well in finding somewhere for us to be ! "
2 And er as I say , the only people I know on here now , are people that I 've met actually off here .
3 Taylor said enthusiastically : ‘ After the win against Turkey , it was the first time since I 've been England manager that I 've gone back into the dressing room and felt the emotions I did as a club manager .
4 Not s in a sense just by individual feudal landlords , but by landlords saying well I 'm , I 'm not really feudal anyway , that I 've moved on from that , I am a commercial landlord rather than a feudal landlord .
5 The sight of a word processor so terrifies me that I 've stuck rigidly to scissors and adhesive tape , while a genius of a lady in Twickenham makes sense of my appalling first drafts .
6 to the one that I 've come up with erm I E the white headrail and
7 I grew away from the Church being a clergyman s son , of course , and now that I 've come back to it I find it the same only more so — fewer people and even more cups of tea . ’
8 where the games are getting played or I 've never seen it in a paper that I 've picked up in the morning , it 's never been in it !
9 Yes , I mean several points that you 've raised , and these are things that I 've picked up from the newspapers and I 'll make the point , I 'm no expert but I as I understand it , the allied erm forces have erm substantially greater number of aircraft in the area than the Iraqi airforce had , so that 's one point .
10 ‘ Next day this camel drops to its knees and this guy gets on and signals that I 've to get on behind him .
11 As I understood er Mr 's position , he would have been on behalf of the Parish Council who are the only er people who are concerned about this as I understand , who raised an objection at this er at this stage they they would have been quite happy with the proposition that I 've put forward on behalf of the County Council .
12 Can I explain all those booklets that I 've put out on the table ?
13 Oh dear , the thing is , as , as far as I can remember I ca n't find it in any of the two books that I 've got out at the moment , it 's not under , but I vaguely remember that you have to dig down a certain .
14 As for Edward — it was clear that I 'd stumbled on to sensitive ground .
15 It was incredible that I 'd ended up in her kitchen , too , because she was the perfect person for me to cry on — and she , knowing me from way back when , was a phenomenal comfort to me , explaining so much I did n't know about the Jewish way of death , about the absence of hell , about the soul .
16 And then how would I have felt , she asked herself as she hurled the jeep down the motorway , finding that I 'd fallen again for a man as cold and hard as that — finding out when it was too late what he was really like ?
17 The evening was cloudless and warm and after pitching the tent and cooking something called " Hunter 's Goulash " ( a freeze-dried meal that I 'd brought home from a trip along the Appalachian Trail — it tasted like fried sofa stuffing doused with monosodium glutamate ) , I walked up the narrow lane above the youth hostel to watch the sun going down behind Pikedaw Hill tingeing the sky a dusky orange — a wonderful sight .
18 I definitely could n't afford that , so I took it back to the Oxford Used Car Centre and erm what happened , the mechanical breakdown service — now this is where I thought they were very good — they reimbursed me all the money that I 'd paid out on those repairs plus they did the repairs and put me a new gearbox in and the car 's running perfectly .
19 ( Now was not the time to say that I had danced only on the boards of my Leeds bedroom … )
20 Ron was delighted too , saying that I had run well after my lay-off with injury and had beaten one of my main challengers for the European title .
21 I thought to myself that I had landed up in a place without an inch of ground to call my own .
22 They had stolen my good oilskins , but the thieves had never found my small stash of money which had been hidden in a redundant sea-cock , nor had they found the old Webley.455 revolver that I had hidden deep in Masquerade 's bilges .
23 I felt that I had stepped back in time to share in the 400 year old ceremony in this charming village .
24 She added , ‘ He 's very good to Margaret ’ , and I felt that simultaneously she had nodded towards the past while affirming the present and that I had fallen somewhere between the two : nothing but the body of a ghost , nebulous and deserted .
25 So I thanked Mr. Lennis for his frankness , explained that I had to go back to the bank to deal with some work , and departed .
26 I wrote that I had done so before going to Athos .
27 This was a thing that I had to judge entirely for myself .
28 Because my experience was not of being poor , the discomforts of the poverty that I had to put up with in the rue Victorie did not suggest themselves as unending .
29 ‘ As the full-time mother of pre-school twins , I just thought that I had to put up with Sam 's barely concealed fling with a neighbour , ’ says Tina .
30 I had decided that I had to face up to the fact that John might not come back or he might be gone for a long time and that when he did come back we might not love one another .
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