Example sentences of "[that] be [verb] to [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The National Association of Pension Funds ( NAPF ) acts as the lobbying body on behalf of the pension industry , but has no specific regulatory powers , nor does the Occupation Pensions Board ( OPB ) which comments on pension matters that are referred to it by the Secretary of State ( and also has responsibility for issuing contracting out certificates ) .
2 I think that a good job has been done by the ITC , but I am prepared to consider any representations that are made to me about the future determination of licences .
3 In every generation , REPRODUCTION takes the genes that are supplied to it by the previous generation , and hands them on to the next generation but with minor random errors — mutations .
4 My sincere thanks to you all for the most beautiful flowers that were sent to me in hospital during my recent operation .
5 Here are two exercises that were given to me by ANDY WATSON and TREFOR OWEN , part-time tutors at Leeds College of Music .
6 Once you got into the C C Q erm for me it sounded like a string of questions erm I could n't hear any at all or any open questions into any of the answers that were given to you on question .
7 If the hon. Gentleman wants to find a worse record in Scotland for waiting lists , he should look at the waiting lists that were left to us by the previous Labour Government .
8 The court heard the shift supervisor at Three Mile Island change his testimony on the crucial relief-valve temperatures that were reported to him during the incident .
9 Her parents only came to appreciate the impact the plaintiff had made on others before her accident from the tributes that were paid to her by outsiders of the family during the months the plaintiff was in a coma at Addenbrookes .
10 But at the end of the day they are n't in that league cos most thieves are opportunists they seize a common opportunity that is presented to them by or it could be they 've actually just watched her go out and more of a chance .
11 Being sick can bring with it a degree of sympathy and attention that is greatly valued by more isolated individuals , and they may believe that if their health improves they will lose out on the time and attention that is given to them on the basis of their illness .
12 He said : ’ there is no statistical evidence that is known to me at the present time of people who are actually being discharged from the private sector We do not have evidence to bring to you of a substantial number of people who have been discharged against their will from the private sector . ’
13 We have tried to obtain glassfibre moulds in the past , have not succeeded and would be grateful if you could advise us on any way that is known to you of building such a craft .
14 Instead they are to put on , as if it were a suit of new clothes , the new humanity that Is brought to them in Christ and is constantly renewed by a deepening knowledge of Christ , into the Creator 's original image in man , a likeness to God himself : hence the ‘ compassion , kindness , lowliness , meekness , patience , forbearance ’ , love , peace and gratitude of which he goes onto speak ( Col. 3:1,5–16 ) .
15 ‘ Thankfully I 've forgotten it all now and I have to look at it as something that was flattering to me at the time .
16 Or , here 's a letter that was sent to me by Teresa from Birmingham .
17 But if they died , there was a very young family , a young wife , needing financial independence that was given to them by you , with a life insurance policy .
18 The Editor is grateful for the help that was given to him by catering personnel at MOD Stanmore who supplied the photographs and RAF Uxbridge .
19 I well remember a little cardigan from a High Street store that was given to me for my ( then ) six-month-old baby .
20 ‘ Being a hijra was the only possibility for me ; there was no other career I could have pursued with the body that was given to me at birth .
21 There 's also a big , gold jewellery box that was given to me by my godmother .
22 I refer to a parliamentary answer that was given to me by the Under-Secretary of State for Employment , the hon. Member for Mid-Worcestershire ( Mr. Forth ) .
23 First of all I 'm surprised at the outburst that was given to us by Mr I would regard as my er yahabeebee and sadiki if you wish er , but he mentioned in fact the er , what used to be barbaric ac , barbaric er practice in er Pakistan .
24 ‘ She is not without intelligence , but the harm that was done to her at birth is irreversible . ’
25 I 'm very sorry chairman , er Mr n and I were checking er a point in response to a question that was asked to me during the break .
26 MI6 never appreciated the amount of opposition that existed within Germany to Hitler and the Nazi party in its early days and as a result failed to exploit the very considerable amount of information that was offered to it by well-placed anti-Nazi groups .
27 Then he saw the hand , its fingers curled , as if trying to drag the sprawled body that was attached to it across the room .
28 Tony Visconti : ‘ At that time , we had gone into the studio to record ‘ The Man Who Sold The World ’ , and the horrible thing that was happening to me as a producer , the nightmare of my life , was that David and Angela were becoming totally entwined and enraptured with each other .
29 I respect er the view that was put to me in the extract from P P G twelve , but i nevertheless think that this is a matter of principle because it does n't apply to a particular res western route , it applies to all the western routes .
30 Will the Minister respond urgently to the constructive plea that was put to him for help through which Northumberland could ease those budgetary restrictions this year and , of course , for an eventual change in that system ?
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