Example sentences of "[that] the [noun sg] [verb] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 2 To ensure that the buyer pays for the goods/services supplied .
2 The second option is to sell the property along with the company but ensure that the price received for the company fully reflects the range of values for the assets .
3 Since Hume , philosophers of an empiricist turn of mind have tended to suppose that any ‘ knowledge ’ obtained by a priori perception of connections between ideas is trifling and empty of content , and that the price paid for the necessity and certainty of such ‘ knowledge ’ is a loss of information .
4 In each of these appeals it has been rightly accepted by counsel for the contemnor that the hearing below of the committal application was impeccable , that the sentence imposed for the contempts of court found proved can not be criticised and the committal order properly specified each of the contempts for which the contemnor had been sentenced .
5 It 's a mark of reverence that the vehicle provided for the god to come to his people is pure and empty and wo n't pollute .
6 Theoretically his presidency must end in 1852 , but it was already evident that the Prince hoped for a second term of office , to which end he began to organize a campaign to drum up sufficient popular support for this to become possible .
7 One of the good features of the pond is that the soil extracted for the depth was reused for building up other areas of the pond , so there was no waste to dispose of .
8 The tricky part will be to squeeze from service industries alone the entire 4% of annual productivity increases that the government wants for the economy as a whole .
9 A problem with the presentation of the foregoing data is to assess the amount of responsibility that the government has for the policies .
10 Apart from that , the hon. Gentleman should acknowledge that the Government have for a number of years , under the farm and conservation grants scheme , provided a 40 per cent .
11 Page 2 of the consultation paper refers to the guidelines that the Government considered for the new council tax .
12 Editors invented elaborate textual corruptions to explain this , claiming for instance that Shakespeare had written two different versions of Brutus 's reactions and that the text used for the 1623 Folio ( where the play first appeared ) had mistakenly copied them both .
13 Secondly , and most remarkably in view of Birkett and the 1980 White Paper , the phrase was appropriate ‘ because it properly reflects the way in which interception has been authorised by successive governments of the Left and Right ’ , and it emphasizes the important point that the Act provides for no extension of existing practices .
14 ‘ I believe that the church exists for the community , ’ he said , ‘ and not just for itself . ’
15 The defence that an " offer of amends " had been made failed on two counts : it had not been made " as soon as practicable " ( seven weeks had elapsed since publication ) and " reasonable care " had not been exercised , because a check with current stage directories would have revealed that the name chosen for the fictitious actress was the same as that used by a leading West End lady .
16 The Court agreed that a non-custodial sentence could not be justified for the offence , and was satisfied that the offence called for a substantial sentence .
17 The Law Commission nevertheless recommended the retention of the offence for use against fighting , principally because of the procedural advantages that the offence possesses for the prosecutor .
18 Certain test writers argue that the blank substituted for the deleted word should correspond to the length of the missing word but in many cloze tests all the blanks are of uniform length .
19 He said that the council hoped for an amicable solution .
20 Mr. Marshall : Does my right Hon. Friend agree that the country yearns for a moral lead ?
21 Evandro Linse Silva , for the prosecution , stated that the country wished for the speedy completion of the proceedings and would not benefit from " more spectacular allegations " or from giving credence to " the chief of a crime racket " .
22 It 's been so cold that the freeze-thaw needed for the Appendix to form fully has n't taken place and the ice is in just the same condition as the previous week .
23 With increases in rates paid by the tenant , the people were ‘ awakening to the fact that the Alliance stood for a saner and wiser administration of public affairs ’ .
24 Not that the film worked for every critic .
25 This time the stick is held firmly back with the aileron central , and the wing will ( usually ) continue dropping so that the glider spins for a turn or so .
26 15 faculty members and 280 staff have signed documents objecting to a research proposal from the University of California and from two laboratories that the university administers for the federal government .
27 I therefore became very clearly aware of the potential that the university held for the whole of the East Sussex area .
28 The fact that the P.M. asked for the processes of selection of his successor to be undertaken in the middle of a party conference was bound to create consternation , confusion and intrigue , and indeed it did .
29 Japanese in Formosa were mostly short-term residents who enjoyed the traditional privileges of a colonizing race and who , backed by Tokyo , implemented a colonial policy whose basic premise was that the colony existed for the benefit and betterment of mainland Japan , economically , politically and militarily .
30 If the absence of active Judicial intervention is to be explained by confidence in the Diet 's ability to represent electoral consensus , we can see how Japan could manage without the fierce watchdog role that the constitution envisaged for the Supreme Court .
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