Example sentences of "[not/n't] [be] made [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately some measurements could not be made at the time of the growth room trials , owing to maintenance work .
2 The choice will depend on the sale strategy ; however , if it is decided to set out the detailed procedures in the covering letter it is normal to include brief details in the information memorandum such as dates , KPMG contact staff , and a statement that direct contact should not be made with the management or staff of the business .
3 Although differential diagnoses can not be made on the evidence of a postal survey alone , an attempt was made to identify factors that aid diagnosis .
4 The task was to repeat the words " double , double , double " over and over again , and it was used on the assumption that , while vocalising , judgements about words would not be made on the basis of their phonological codes .
5 The differentiation between patients with Zollinger-Ellison syndrome and those with omeprazole treatment for reflux oesophagitis can not be made on the basis of the pepsinogen A:C ratio , although a low ratio may suggest treatment with omeprazole and a pepsinogen A:C ratio greater than 4.7 Zollinger-Ellison syndrome .
6 Although changes in global policy can not be made on the basis of the present study alone , the results suggest that a supplemental dose of IPV or OPV administered at the time of measles vaccination might increase a population 's immunity against poliovirus types 1 and 3 .
7 What environmentalists are saying is that change should not be made for the benefit of a few and to the detriment of many .
8 Yet David Carlton feels that too much should not be made of the gathering of opposition to Chamberlain 's National government policy of appeasement .
9 The decision to withdraw Mr. Bland 's food and drink could not be made without a court ruling .
10 Should it be desired to alter this state of affairs , there would be many who would assert that the change could not be made without the consent of the part of the United Kingdom affected , however it were to be expressed .
11 ( 2 ) A partial offer may not be made without the consent of the Panel , although this will usually be forthcoming where the offer is for less than 30 per cent of the company 's voting rights .
12 The report need not be made to a constable .
13 The closing date for entry is Thursday 28th February but the draw will not be made until the day after the team itself is selected on 26 August .
14 Extrapolations for drug costs can not be made from the prescribing unit because of the age and sex related differences in costs per item that we have shown .
15 An entry can not be made by an instrument used to make an entry such as a key or piece of wire used to pull back internal bolts .
16 protests can not be made by the contestant involved .
17 ‘ For the purposes of this section a threat can not be made by the use of words alone . ’
18 The sad decision to close down the creamery in Hawes means that you will not be made in the dale from now on .
19 Thus the order can not be made in the case of a contract for the sale of unascertained goods which have not been appropriated to the contract — Re Wait ( see paragraph 3–04 above ) .
20 There is no reason why these should not be made in the home provided the design is kept to a simple one for a first attempt .
21 to hold that an Anton Piller order could not be made in an Order 11 case .
22 Or in anyway , ca n't be made at the meeting .
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