Example sentences of "[not/n't] [be] [verb] within the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The motor control routine shown in Fig. 8.3 is entered with the number of steps loaded into accumulator A ( if the number of steps can not be expressed within the confines of an eight.bit word corresponding to 256 steps the routine must be executed several times ) and the index register X pointing at a location in the list between ENDLOW and ENDHI .
2 It also recommended that children whose needs could not be met within the resources of the ordinary school should have a record ( which came to be called a ‘ statement ’ ) of their special educational needs drawn up by a multi-professional team .
3 Those who argue for participatory democracy believe active citizenship can not be established within the limitations set by the existing liberal-democratic framework .
4 If it is the case that what teachers need to know , and to experience , can not be continued within the limits of available time , then either that time must be extended , or some part of what is traditionally included must be curtailed or omitted or postponed to in-service training .
5 The new ideas were an outgrowth from this , but were sufficiently novel that they could n't be pursued within the terms of his research contract with the DOE .
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