Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] on [prep] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Where the opponent does not advance on to your kick , you should generate extra range and power by sliding forwards slightly on the supporting leg as the kicking knee rises .
2 But we can not move on to his meeting with Esau quite yet .
3 Since the Life Peerages Act 1958 the hereditary nobility have been reinforced by a trickle of people , usually fairly elderly , whose titles do not pass on to their heirs .
4 Tissington however , did not hold on to his lease for very long .
5 In a crash , you could not hold on to your baby , or she might be crushed between you and the dashboard or seat .
6 Earlier this year she persuaded a judge to let her stay with her boyfriend 's family because she did not get on with her father , who had recently been reconciled with his wife .
7 Can the Government be held to blame for such claims as this — a Turkish Cypriot claiming asylum on the basis that her mother did not get on with her husband and was trying to break up her marriage ?
8 Lee did n't shake it like they did in the films but he did n't carry on with his tantrum .
9 ‘ I do n't keep on about your Nelly , though we all know what she is ! ’
10 Bobsy actually drummed for The Beautiful South when they played at The Brit Awards some time ago , so do n't hold on to your ears pop kids .
11 I ca n't put it off , I do n't care for anything but the work ; that is to say , the pleasure in something else ceases at once , and I become melancholic when I ca n't go on with my work . ’
12 We ca n't go on with our beehives — Prince is dead ! ’
13 When I left school I would n't go on with me dad at first , I said I wanted to play football and me dad did n't want me to play football and he said you ca n't do a milkround and play football .
14 She felt she should reassure Constance , with a sane and cheerful smile , that such things did n't go on in their street , but Constance reminded her that they did .
15 Laz , I said to myself , Laz , something pretty weird 's going on here , and if you do n't get on to your agent and negotiate for the use of another couple of sets , you 're gon na be standing in this Goddamn alleyway for the rest of the book
16 Meanwhile the Leeds rumour factory is working overtime with stories that Schofield wants to leave and that players do n't get on with their manager .
17 Anyway , you know that Kate does n't get on with her father . ’
18 Because you see that was her father 's name , and she did n't get on with her father .
19 ‘ That she does n't get on with her mother .
20 You do n't get on with your work .
21 And then after a couple of weeks he still could n't get on with his computer , so he came back .
22 ‘ I do n't get on with my Dad . ’
23 " We did n't get on with our in-laws . "
24 Please if you know anything please come forward , because we ca n't get on with our lives until this is sorted out .
25 Then on the stairs , she turned to say to Xanthe , who was behind her , going more slowly , unfamiliar with the shallowness of the treads and their tight twist , unlike Miranda who 'd had weeks of running up and down them , ‘ But do n't let on to your pa .
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