Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She had other questions but Stan chose not to be sidetracked from the serious business of telling Oliver he could not stay on the premises after all .
2 John CW Symon ( Points of View , today ) writes : ‘ It would seem obvious that young hooligans do not think of the consequences of their actions … quite likely they do not think of what they are doing as ‘ crime ’ at all …
3 The management usually have a ruling that receptionists do not socialise with the guests on a personal basis ; therefore staff should not make dates with guests or visit their rooms even if invited to do so .
4 We did not rule on the applications at the time , as they were opposed by Mr. Munby , for the foster mother , but he agreed that we should look at the evidence de bene esse and make our ruling as part of our judgment .
5 British Coal would not comment on the protests by Lancashire Women Against Pit Closures .
6 The families can not remain within the confines of the white world without serious psychological damage to the black child :
7 Rates do not relate to the costs of providing services to different residents .
8 I do not leer at the advertisements along the underground escalators .
9 The form used was complicated but could not compensate for the deficiencies of information about a population that was still highly mobile and still undergoing the stresses of war .
10 The National Olympic Council indicated that they do not object to the tours by New Zealand and Australia and neither would they do anything to prevent the Springboks from touring France and England later in the year .
11 The judge in determining those issues held , inter alia , that under the terms of the mortgage deeds and other securities the defendants were entitled to a full indemnity against their costs , charges and expenses and the plaintiffs could not object to the items in the accounts on the ground that they were unreasonable except where the items referred to costs in the litigation subject to an order for taxation .
12 Ma Pwa Sein , the stalwart headmistress of St Mary 's , Kemmendine , which had transferred to the Delta at the outbreak of war , was very emphatic that we should not fall into the hands of the Japanese .
13 One of these , the Colt Patent Repeating Pistol , he had been in the habit of using throughout the siege and it was now stuck uncomfortably in the cummerbund he wore round his waist ; he was anxious that the others should not fall into the hands of the sepoys if the Residency were lost .
14 It is unfortunate that the considerate father who aims to prevent his daughter becoming the victim of a faithless fortune-hunter or the testator eager that his possessions should not fall into the hands of his widow 's second husband rather than his own children should find that the trust he sets up may well bear double liability to tax , both when the funds are settled in trust and when they are paid out .
15 These committees were to work in concert with the police and with the KGB ( which , under a Nov. 23 USSR Supreme Soviet resolution , had already been given the responsibility of ensuring that food aid from abroad did not fall into the hands of speculators ) .
16 Around him the usual Massgoers , Benedicta included , watched fascinated as Athelstan urged the soul to go out to meet his Christ , whilst he , Athelstan , priest of that church , summoned God 's army to meet this unfortunate man 's soul ; they were to lead it into Paradise and ensure it did not fall into the hands of Satan .
17 It must not fall into the hands of developers , ’ said Mr Pritchard Gibson , 46 .
18 It does not fall under the strictures of Thatcher 's criticism referred to above .
19 This brought acid secretion in the duodenal ulcer patients into the range of the H pylori positive healthy volunteers but it did not fall to the values of H pylori negative healthy volunteers .
20 ‘ only to the extent that ( a ) in the state of execution the execution of the letter does not fall within the functions of the judiciary ; or ( b ) the state addressed considers that its sovereignty or security would be prejudiced thereby .
21 The police were advised that it was a potentially fatal weapon , but when the case was brought before Mr Bros at Clerkenwell , he ruled that although the pistol was a ‘ weapon ’ it was not a ‘ firearm ’ , and so did not fall within the prohibitions of the Act .
22 A side effect of the Act , however , has been that many owners of leasehold property no longer regard such investments as sound and they have voluntarily negotiated the sale of freeholds even where the property concerned did not fall within the provisions of the 1967 Act .
23 ( c ) The charge If the conveyance or transfer does not fall within the provisions of s83 , one is thrown back on the previous stamp duty position : ( i ) conveyance or transfer on sale This incurs a charge to ad valorem stamp duty at 1 per cent unless the conveyance can be certified at £60,000 or less ( see below ) ( Finance Act 1984 , s109 and Finance Act 1993 ) ; or ( ii ) conveyance or transfer " of any other kind " In such a case fixed stamp duty of 50p is payable unless the instrument can be certified as being one within The Stamp Duty ( Exempt Instruments ) Regulations 1987 ( SI No 516 ) .
24 As the court on 16 February had remanded Mr. Bell in custody without forming that opinion , the remand was unlawful and the court as constituted on 19 February did not fall within the terms of section 7(5) of the Bail Act 1976 .
25 She goes on to say that the justices came to the view that the justice on the Friday had had no power to remand Mr. Bell in custody until the Monday , as the remand did not fall within the terms of section 7(5) of the Act of 1976 and that , accordingly , they no longer had any jurisdiction to hear the matter .
26 Indeed , my right hon. and learned Friend the Member for Surrey , East ( Sir G. Howe ) , in a speech right out of the defeatist book which is kept at the Foreign Office , seemed to declare that a nation with its own currency could not survive in the days of the ecu .
27 Evidence from the period is confused but it is likely that Newcomen worked independently and did not know of the ideas of Papin and Savery .
28 But if The Order of Things is thus concerned to analyse ‘ ensembles of discourses ’ that do not form a totality , it does not focus on the ways in which such forms of knowledges relate to the institutions in which and through which they are produced .
29 The point is that as the laws do not focus on the results of corporate crime , the corporate criminal need only worry about relatively lenient punishment for breaking a particular regulation , and not be concerned with the wider consequences of that action .
30 Entering the third year of the Intifada , it is more than ever clear that time is of the essence : how to keep it going long enough at a level which does not yield to the temptations of ruinous , reciprocal escalation , but still disturbs the outside world enough to get them to bring the Israeli extremists to heel .
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