Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] [noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 1992 ) does not explore consumer inputs into quality specifications and monitoring but the case studies suggest the following main methods : 1 CHC representation on quality planning and steering groups ; 2 Patient/public surveys , often with CHC support ; 3 Focus groups ; 4 Regular consumer groups of users of specific services and relatives .
2 The Indians could not install table games like baccarat and poker ; but they could introduce any other sort of gambling already allowed outside the reservation , including off-track betting and , if they could afford it , live races round a track .
3 Somerset , New Jersey , Meillo Consulting Inc , is offering Unix System Lab 's MoOLIT — Motif Open Look Intrinsic Toolkit — for Hewlett-Packard Co , Sun Microsystems Inc , IBM and DEC workstations : MoOLIT supports Open Look and Motif , but does not include Motif libraries for application development under the interface — prices go from $2,500 .
4 You will not see government courses on combat and crisis management .
5 Do not use bottle traps for waste disposers
6 Leicestershire do not separate sponsorship revenues from match receipts .
7 The number of companies which could not meet payment orders for lack of sufficient funds rose by 60 per cent .
8 This does not derogate from his duty to act honestly and faithfully towards his customer and the broker must not conceal material facts in order to obtain an advantage for himself .
9 Although the fictional Inspector Morse freely wanders the cloisters , technically police can not enter college grounds without permission from the master .
10 Do not mistake stick pressures for stick movement .
11 10.7.7 Each Party , in exercising its rights under Clauses 10.7.2 to 10.7.6 shall be entitled to employ an agent or contractor , provided that it shall not supply computer programs in source code form to such an agent or contractor without the prior written consent of the Party or Parties who have generated or supplied such programs or parts thereof , and
12 I do n't do country things like farming for a living , or swishing through drenched roots , gun in hand , after game birds for recreation .
13 Madhouse ( 15 ) did n't set cinema audiences on fire but good for a night at home .
14 One last item : you ca n't judge accommodation standards by holiday price .
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