Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She did not want to find herself in a hierarchical situation in relation to others at work , thereby creating false barriers and reinforcing the capitalist class structure .
2 A Punjabi speaking volunteer was suggested to sit in , but this was not acceptable as the family did not want to commit themselves to a regular time for the volunteer to call .
3 The tone of the article was that Charman was getting out because he did not want to commit himself to the group on a full-time basis .
4 After certain difficulties with the manager of the Old Vic , who did not want to commit himself to the play on the basis of the bare outline which had been shown to him , Browne approached the theatrical impresario , Henry Sherek , and asked him if he would care to produce the play — with Browne as director — at Edinburgh .
5 He may not be able to call upon the driver who took over the car to support his defence and to help him discharge the balance of probabilities in his favour , because that driver would not want to expose himself to the criminal charges of aggravated car theft .
6 Clearly , we would not need to concern ourselves with the meaning of analogue information if all sources of text , numerics , sounds and images were digital .
7 I have to say though , that when we the Council advise other charities on the investment powers that they should take when they 're established and when they draft their Memorandum of Association , erm , we advise them to take wider powers er , than these , and we advise them that they should not seek to constrain themselves by the Trustee Investment Act nineteen sixty-one , as our own flexibility is constrained .
8 Cooperators can not expect to protect themselves against the threatened attack of the opposing forces without carefully preparing a united plan of campaign , in the same way that the Labour Party has mobilised its battalions …
9 With the best will in the world a bassoon can not begin to express itself in the same terms as a viola da gamba and when two of the three melodic parts are conceived for strings a precious dimension is lost by substituting woodwind .
10 I shall not have to concern myself with the interview of [ W ] but I shall concern myself with the interviews of [ the co-accused ] . ’
11 The government did not have to concern itself with the balance of payments ( which was always expected to be favourable or self-adjusting ) , free trade meant that there was no need for elaborate connections with industry , the level of employment had to be left to the supply and demand for labour , and all that the government should do was elementary regulation in the interests of those sections of the community unable to defend themselves .
12 This is because Britain could not have defended herself in the Cold War order , and the common enemy demanded common action .
13 Julian , of course , would not have described herself as a prophet , because like all monotheists at this date , she believed that God 's revelation was complete and that the day of prophecy was therefore over .
14 They do not have to protect themselves from the monster .
15 The court was influenced by evidence pointing to the fact that the defendants had been negligent and it was stated that had steps been taken to mitigate the nuisance , the Council would not have found itself in the position it was now in .
16 prohibits the application of nationality requirements even where the persons concerned do not intend to establish themselves in the United Kingdom .
17 The man who wept during England 's World Cup semi-final with Germany two years ago , now can not bear to watch himself in the white shirt of his country .
18 However bad a landlord , there is a crucial rule that needs to be kept in mind if you do n't want to put yourself on the wrong side of the law .
19 And since he obviously had n't recognised me , I did n't want to connect myself with the house , until I 'd found out what his game was . ’
20 But I know me own daughter well enough to know that she does n't want to lock herself inside a convent for the rest of her life .
21 You wo n't want to extricate yourself from a personal promise or commitment , but you will begin to feel tied down and wish you 'd never got involved in the first place .
22 I did n't want to place myself in the hands of someone who might insist on more than I was prepared to give .
23 The message from my friend is this : that you should keep that pretty little nose out of things that do n't concern you if you do n't want to find yourself in a whole load of trouble .
24 This is why , at the moment , I 'm being a bit cautious about remaining in my cavity I do n't want to find myself in the situation that I 'm held to sell .
25 She did n't want to find herself with a one-way Goldenrail Supersaver to Belsen .
26 In practice this means that we do n't need to concern ourselves with the contents of such data files ; they 're not for human consumption without previous digestion by a computer .
27 ‘ Because of the financial strength of the company ’ , Hobor said , ‘ it does n't have to constrain itself during a downturn — in fact its philosophy has always been the opposite : when you 're in a downturn , that is when you should be investing in plant and equipment ’ .
28 Compact hobs are about 550 × 450 mm ( 21 × 17in ) but if you have space , go for a large hob to take awkward-sized pans : you do n't have to limit yourself to a simple , square configuration there 's no reason why you should n't have two or three small hobs in different places .
29 Even a trial separation from Barnet was too much for Fry , who says that he could n't have looked himself in the mirror if he 'd refused to come back .
30 ‘ At least you wo n't have to hate yourself in the morning , will you ? ’ she said acidly .
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