Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] [verb] [pers pn] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 The wasp will remember exactly what to do at each burrow , according to its stage in the cycle , and the number of caterpillars it already contains , even though she may not have visited it for several days .
2 ‘ She could not say nay ; and she must needs do his bidding ; and yet she would not have done it for all this world .
3 The sellers gave the buyers a delivery note to enable them to collect the spirit from X. However , the buyers chose to keep it at X 's and did not come to remove it for some months by which time it had deteriorated .
4 I would n't have seen you for another hour .
5 He would n't have done it for most people .
6 I knew I should n't have taken you for that coffee . ’
7 ‘ No , I was looking for you and I would n't have figured you for this particular humming and vibrant example of the capital 's nightscene . ’
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