Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It did not want to part with the medium-wave lengths which allowed simulcasting on both FM and medium-wave , so that the deficiencies of one could be remedied by the other .
2 I did not want to go into the dark house , where I would spend the evening quietly with old Mrs Fairfax .
3 I do not want to go on a dictionary-chasing exercise , laying down one word only to find that the marketing men have circumvented it by finding another word .
4 Most people do not want to vote in a right-wing government so much as to get rid of a discredited and deeply unpopular Socialist government .
5 However we do not want to engage in the quantitative issue for the moment , but stay with the relationship between the theoretical concept and its operational definition .
6 ‘ We did not want to call off the current tour because it would have created immense resentment back home among the players .
7 Here I would suggest that if the beginner does not want to invest in a full set , he should settle for the 3 , 5 , 7 and 9-irons , sand wedge , plus a 3 and a 5-wood .
8 If I were to leave the job in 1995 or 1996 I would not want to leave behind a wrecked team because that 's not my style .
9 One of the reasons for this , she explains , is that quite a lot of the small and medium-size firms in her area ( Hampshire , Dorset and Sussex ) do not want to recruit from the Big Six where most of the redundancies have been made .
10 Brendan Ormsby 's transfer from Leeds United to Cardiff City was called off yesterday after the defender decided he did not want to play in the Third Division .
11 Our investigations of casual working in the catering industry confirmed the impressions given by the data from the LFS that most casual workers did not want to work on a regular , continuous basis .
12 I did not want to enter into an affirmative dialogue with the building .
13 Even if the employee is successful in the job , if the spouse can not adapt to live in the English culture and speak the language , the assignment may well fail .
14 However , in such cases one will often not need to progress to the follow-up sessions of therapy which would be needed by those others who are trying to overcome a particular problem .
15 So she did not need to go on the offensive and was not required to fight .
16 Mr Donovan 's mere financial gain will probably make little difference to him and it is debatable whether his name ‘ has been cleared once and for all ’ as it did not need clearing in the first place .
17 And I wonder if we do not need to enquire into the theological basis of both .
18 He did not need to look at the single shelf of books to know they would have titles like A Pilot 's War Memoirs or Regiments of the Burma Campaign .
19 They do not need to belong to the same phase .
20 However , we do not need to embark upon a lengthy discussion of differences between these concepts as such differences will be explained as they bear upon our concern with power in public sector organisations ( see Connolly , 1974 , for treatment of these conceptual issues ) .
21 Patients still need to recuperate but do not need to stay in an acute hospital to do so .
22 Supporting cast DJ Renegade and secondary shouter Blue Eyes provide hardy back-up ; previous single ‘ Mind Of An Ordinary Citizen ’ , the breakneck ‘ Forward ’ and a dangerous tear through manifesto track ‘ Survival Of The Hardest Working ’ to close , are the muscular set 's highlights , and the moment where Blade gets our own Chris Hughes onstage to photograph him with his fans is cute — QED , this jolly , gentle , reassuringly chubby little geezer does not need to pander to the male hormones and the baser instincts of his audience to get noticed .
23 Others could not wait to merge into the New World and when marriage seemed to an easy route , they were soon sporting engagement rings off-stage but definitely not when Mary was around .
24 Nourse LJ also considered it was arguable that the plaintiff could not seek to rely on the literal clauses of the agreement when it had known that the disclosure letter was incomplete as to do so would be dishonest .
25 The Institute of Taxation does not seek to interfere in the internal operations of the Tax Faculty , and it is wrong of Peter Wyman to suggest the contrary .
26 If we are constituted as subjects by the totalities we inhabit , then our beliefs about the divide between science and ideology ( Althusser 's included ) will be determined too , and we can not expect to arrive at an impartial , objective view of it .
27 He just did not expect to come across the late Norman Britton in the garden of the Ferret and Firkin at half past six in the evening .
28 The other problem is that tasks honoured with a separate colour on-screen may not appear emphasized on a black and white printout .
29 Dr Freeman said bone loss does not appear to occur in every anorexic woman .
30 The proposed broadening of the granting of investment aids for the purpose of protecting and improving the environment ( part of Article 3 ) is to be welcomed although it does not appear to square with the basic investment aid objectives of such plans because it appears to mean that environmental investment per se will qualify for support , even if not part of an agricultural improvement .
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