Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb infin] [noun] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Exclusion of liability for breach of warranty does not cover breach of a condition ( Wallis Son & Wells v Pratt & Haynes [ 1911 ] AC 394 ; Baldry v Marshall [ 1925 ] 1 KB 260 ) .
2 Masculinity is defined by what it is not ; the term ‘ masculinity ’ does not make sense without a knowledge of the term ‘ femininity ’ .
3 The reply , then , it can be said , does not make use of a feature of effects independent of their being necessitated events , which feature can be used to argue that they are necessitated events .
4 We should be cautious about using these results to argue that verbal pretraining does not influence performance on a recognition memory test .
5 Secondly , Meshkinpour did not regard confirmation of a diagnosis as influencing patient management whereas we felt that it was of value in certain situation such as in patients with suspected achalasia before myotomy .
6 The report comes out strongly against the imposition of trade sanctions against countries on environmental grounds : in an implicit reference to the recent US action against tuna imports from Mexico [ see ED 55 ] , the report says , " a country may not restrict imports of a product solely because it originates in a country whose environmental policies are different . "
7 ‘ Can I make it absolutely clear we do not intend this to happen , will not let this happen and will not introduce change in a way which might cause it to happen ? ’
8 You can not stimulate success by a tax policy that penalises the successful and drives small traders bankrupt . ’
9 The DC does not need assessment by a user ( other than the specified user ) , who manages a package outside the structure referencing one of the modules in the steering file .
10 Punchy thermals which delight the wings of gliders and do not trouble planes with a bit of weighty metal behind them are no longer conjured up by the morning sun to drive trepid microlight flyers back to earth .
11 ( 10 ) The references in this section to the execution of a deed by an individual do not include execution by a corporation sole and the reference in subsection ( 7 ) above to signing , sealing or delivery by an individual does not include signing , sealing or delivery by such a corporation .
12 That person may hold ‘ citizenship ’ as a legal , national status , but does not display citizenship as a quality .
13 Do not buy snails from a tank containing empty shells or dead snails .
14 It is one of civil politeness with the inn keeper realising that he could not beat Turnour in a fight and so he is prepared to bend under Turnour 's will as shown by his ‘ almost ’ friendliness when telling Turnour about his house and his asking of when Turnour would like to eat .
15 If the present article can not answer every question raised by Carse , it will answer this one : ‘ did they [ at the Opéra ] or did they not beat time with a baton throughout the whole opera ? ’ ( p.311 ) .
16 Pauline Mitchell , head of housing , said : ‘ We do not have any areas for any particular people and we certainly do not identify travellers as a group .
17 PERT and CPM do not permit loops to be formed and can not accommodate repetition of a job .
18 PERT and CPM do not permit loops to be formed and can not accommodate repetition of a job .
19 He would allow no exceptions to this fundamental rule ; but he did not exclude growth within a framework authoritatively established , and he could help to reshape the future through the men whom he chose as prior .
20 So I must say I entirely agree with Heather on this , it seems to me inevitable logic of Freud 's theory and erm my own view is that group psychoanalysis is a contradiction in terms , you can not do psychoanalysis in a group of this and those who say they can I think have n never understood what psychoanalysis is all about and are misleading the public and people pay good money for it .
21 So it seems to me that you can not do analysis in a group because by definition the ego of a person in a group is , is detracted from , whereas in individual psychoanalysis and ideally the ego of the person is added to and enlarged to give them more competence by being made to face up to its repressions .
22 When a human being does X in order to do Y , the achieving of Y is his reason for doing X. When an animal does X in order to do Y , he does not do X for a reason , even though he is aiming at a goal in doing so .
23 Held , dismissing the appeal , that since it was the business of estate agents to act for numerous principals , several of whom might be competing and whose interests would conflict , a term was to be implied in the contract with such an agent that he was entitled to act for other principals selling similar properties and to keep confidential information obtained from each principal and that the agent 's fiduciary duty was determined by the contract of agency ; that since the plaintiff knew that the defendants would be acting for other vendors of comparable properties and would receive confidential information from them , the agency contract could not have included terms requiring them to disclose that confidential information to him , or precluding them from acting for rival vendors , or from trying to earn commission on the sale of another vendor 's property ; and that , accordingly , although the purchaser 's interest in acquiring both properties was material information which could have affected negotiations for the sale price of the plaintiff 's house , the defendants were not in breach of their duty in failing to inform the plaintiff of the agreement to buy the adjacent house , which was confidential to the owner thereof , and the defendants ' financial interest in that sale did not give rise to a breach of fiduciary duty ( post , pp. 941A–B , G–H , 942A–B , G — 943B ) .
24 Again , it has been held that the Prison rules are merely ‘ regulatory ’ and that breach of them can not give rise to a cause of action for damages although it may found an application for judicial review .
25 Held , dismissing the appeals , that , prior to the enactment of the Congenital Disabilities ( Civil Liability ) Act 1976 , at common law a breach of the duty of care did not give rise to a cause of action in negligence until the plaintiff suffered an injury ; that , although a foetus did not enjoy an independent legal personality , by the time that the plaintiffs were born in 1967 the common law recognised that a child born with a deformity because of a negligent act occurring during the mother 's pregnancy had a cause of action ; and that , therefore , the plaintiffs had a cause of action against the defendant health authorities for any negligent act prior to their birth which caused them to be born with deformities ( post , pp. 654H , 656D–F , 660E — 661D ) .
26 The symmetric stretching mode does not give rise to a dipole change , and hence is inactive in the IR .
27 On an appeal by the plaintiff the Court of Appeal held ( dismissing the appeal ) that in so far as the rules of the club provided that two of its officers were to be responsible in law for the conduct of the club then ( in the absence of an express provision that the officers were responsible for the condition of the club premises ) the rules did not give rise to a duty of care towards individual members to maintain the club premises in a reasonable state of safety and repair .
28 Hence it is the closed national state which afforded to capitalism its chance for development — and as long as the national state does not give place to a world empire capitalism also will endure .
29 Parties must not give effect to a merger before they notify it to the Commission and for three weeks thereafter .
30 There was , it seemed , no peculiar distinction , however trifling or minute , which might not give value to a volume , providing the indispensable quality of scarcity , or rare occurrence , was attached to it .
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