Example sentences of "[not/n't] [vb pp] [pron] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She had been so worried that she had not given one thought to the fact that she was here in her nightdress with Felipe standing looking down at her .
2 Watkins LJ gave the principal judgment in the Divisional Court and upheld the application on the ground that the Minister had not given his reasons for the decision not to make a reference and that this was ‘ irrational ’ .
3 Some of these recordings are now being used by the YCCC as evidence in the legal actions which they are taking out against the city and tannery , and some of the recordings have been played back to other community groups in similar situations but who have not developed their thinking to the extent of the YCCC .
4 The participants warned that by their next summit , scheduled for Sept. 25 in Bishkek ( Kirgizstan ) , states which had not ratified their membership of the CIS ( Azerbaijan and Moldova ) should do so .
5 I have not forgotten our conversation about the need to get serious global environmental problems across to ‘ ordinary people in Wales ’ at a very personal level .
6 In 1793 the first Republican French ambassador received a rapturous welcome when he arrived off Seraglio Point , his ship flying the Ottoman , Republican French and American colours , ‘ and those of a few other powers that had not sullied their arms in the impious league of tyrants ’ .
7 They had not confined their work to the schemes the judges selected , but looked at the remainder of the exhibition , and added eight of their own choice .
8 We can certainly agree that political sociologists have not confined their attention to the narrower governmental sphere or believed that this constitutes a part ( albeit an important part ) of the world of politics .
9 The Comintern had not confined its attacks to the Right Social Democrats alone .
10 Merlyn demanded to know why he had not reported her departure at the time .
11 The pups are not fed their meal before the party but , instead , the organiser provides every human a small bag of dry dog food .
12 A MUSLIM woman who has not seen her bridegroom since the day of a registrar 's office wedding had her marriage annulled yesterday by a Scottish judge .
13 We would have only McGurk 's word for what happened subsequently if I had not positioned my ear by the keyhole of his office .
14 It may be said that , over many years , I have seldom known cases of marital difficulty in which sexual difficulty did not lie in the background ; but , equally , I have seldom known marriages where a major relationship difficulty has not had its effect on the satisfactions of sex .
15 Citibank , for example , will refund the difference if a customer finds he has not bought his goods at the best advertised price .
16 But we are not told what features of the French peasantry are to be held responsible for Bonapartism , nor what features of Bonapartism are attributable to the French peasantry .
17 If , however , local authorities had not exercised their powers by the end of 1911 , then further JACs could be established .
18 The idea of the unconscious is not simple , and many critics of the concept have not appreciated its links with the concepts of the ego , super-ego , id , and the repressed .
19 Rugs from these countries have not found their way into the West to any large degree .
20 Microphotography brought new methods of book and periodical production , and data storage , that even now have surely not exhausted their usefulness in the mere saving of shelf-space .
21 That is apart from the colossal cost of fitting cars with the number plates and finding out which cars needed to be fitted , catching drivers who had removed the plates , sending out bills , dealing with drivers who said they had not driven their cars on the date in question , and many another items .
22 Had he not plodded his way to the fairs and markets , to the countless isolated communities in villages and hamlets , the English race would have been immeasurably poorer in its literature , its recreations and its memories of the past .
23 While the US Congress remained hostile , the US administration had not voiced its opposition to the proposed agreement in spite of its previous strong objections to any forced repatriation , preferring instead to maintain a " neutral reaction " to deportations .
24 Ninety percent of them said yes , that it depends on how you present the figures , so in actual fact I wonder how our tenant farmers all of a sudden find themselves in a position that they perhaps would rather sign a petition and not put their heads above the parapet bearing in mind you are in a community , bear in mind you are connected , bear in mind that your livelihood is with those others and I have to say it is true that a certain business in my area connected with farming has been threatened .
25 William Wallace of Elderslie , son of a Renfrewshire landowner , was one of the lesser gentry who had not put his name to the document of submissions , known as the Ragman 's Roll because of the ribbons dangling from its seals .
26 Mr Kinnock has drawn Labour some way from its old follies , but he has manifestly not cured its obsession with the distribution of wealth , as opposed to its creation .
27 This powerful combination and union of men and measures ' could not have prevailed ‘ if God had not bestowed His blessing on the work ’ .
28 He turned to Shaw who had not ceased his manipulations of the keyboard .
29 For example , Haringey has still not taken its place within the Community Consultative Group set up after Lord Scarman 's report on the disorders of 1981 .
30 He expressed surprise that the Lebanese Forces militia , Gen Aoun 's ally , had not thrown its weight behind the new regime .
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