Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] [verb] [prep] the most " in BNC.

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1 While not necessarily dealing with the most important , nor the most contentious , matters , the criminal justice legislation , by virtue of its comprehensiveness and regularity , suggests more of a systematic approach to keeping in good repair the administration of justice and the working of the penal system than can be substantiated by events .
2 And remember that the most characteristic meals are not necessarily found behind the most imposing facades , nor do they necessarily carry the highest price tags .
3 ‘ I was not just looking for the most experienced people but there were other attributes I wanted to see , ’ he says .
4 The resulting " Ohmannized " Faulkner consists of a sequence of short , atomic sentences , not far removed from the most elementary sentences , or KERNEL sentences , " postulated by the theory of Transformational Grammar that Ohmann uses .
5 In 1956 we still breathed pure air , even in Athens ; the magic beauty of the countryside had not yet vanished from the most famous sites , and there was no discotheque on the islands .
6 Yet when he had finished the first thing she said was , ‘ But you have n't really talked of the most important thing — the other eagles who were with you .
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