Example sentences of "[adv prt] [adv prt] of the [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Without warning , 602 and the Edinburgh Squadron pounced on the Germans , screaming down out of the sun and spraying the marauders with concentrated machine gun fire .
2 He just seemed to pull it down out of the air and lay it over her
3 They both climbed down out of the truck and went round to the cab .
4 unless you have a base to work off of started to do , once we started doing the er , the walls take the scaffold down out of the way and to release some area off our stock pile we decided to back build so that by the time that we 'd done six tanks we 'd got half our area taken up by all that material excavated and just flip back to the drawing here what 's going to happen is that stockpile here .
5 ‘ You did n't really think some sort of Grandson Richard , 39 , was going to swoop down out of the sky and carry us off to Florida , did you ?
6 He had clumped down out of the stand and , against the flow of spectators , was making his way towards that hidden dell .
7 And those bits again , either tuck them in out of the way or better still fold them over and put a big plaster over the top to get them right out the way so no ends are left dangling , remember for most people you 're doing this for they 'll probably be returning to their place of work , okay , so they need to be safe to return to work , everybody okay on that lot ?
8 The face loomed up out of the darkness and leered at her through the rain-soaked glass .
9 Despite the pain , he managed to push up out of the water and roll with practised efficiency over the side , and in .
10 And we had to hoist ourselves up out of the water and then go and dance — it was dreadful .
11 For some reason , this last little tale sends Rainbow up out of the water and into the showers .
12 There were two black lines of metal there , two rails slanting up out of the hangar and disappearing in the darkness
13 She scrambled up out of the hedge and reached the roadside just as the bus rolled past .
14 He was going to pick them up out of the gutter and establish them in the monied world where he knew they belonged .
15 She remembered also , the hand of one of the drowning men , rising up out of the torrent and clutching , clutching at empty air before being dragged under for the last time .
16 I leaned against her wall and gasped for air , and my arms and legs felt like lead weights , like when you climb up out of the baths and all the water 's draining off you .
17 He spoke suddenly , the question rising up out of the confusion and indignation in his mind .
18 This time there was no response and , sighing , she pulled the towel more tightly around her head , got up out of the chair and went to the door .
19 He charged up out of the canal and shook himself , splattering water everywhere .
20 The old familiar image of that desperately clutching hand , rising up out of the waves and then sinking again for ever , created itself in her mind 's eye .
21 Eventually we were taken up out of the cells and charged .
22 She brought her right hand up out of the bedclothes and held it out to him .
23 Belle 's hair was grey and clipped back out of the way and her skin was sallow .
24 Robyn scrambled back out of the way and watched helplessly as the choking greyness filled the room .
25 Just beyond the church is a track which leads back out of the bay and on towards the soaring cliffs of Fair Head .
26 Then rocking the bike off the centrestand , he walked it back out of the space and starting it with a throaty roar , he left her standing there .
27 Madame then settled back in her seat and fell into a deep sleep for the rest of the journey , full of good food and wine , and liqueurs , while Ellie stared back out of the window and tried to make some sense of all that had just been said , and all that had just happened .
28 I , I think er erm when I first started down there , it was a job , I thought well this is a good job fifteen bob a week , that 's , that 's a lot more than some of the other boys who 'd left school got , they were twelve and six you see and erm , I think erm I came back out of the forces and took over more responsible jobs , I do n't think I could have gone to anything else but transport .
29 He stepped back out of the circle and stood frowning into his drink .
30 Push the crate left onto the button , stand on the conveyor belt , duck and go left , jump up two platforms and crawl right , through the wall , collect the speaker , go back out of the cave and jump up , go right at the top and fall down the hole , go right and jump over the crate and push it left onto the button , go up on the lift , then right , jump onto the crate on the top platform and push it right , then left onto the button .
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