Example sentences of "[adv prt] [coord] [vb base] [pron] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 but I 've only , in fact , used ten because someone took the microphone in and put it back in the wrong place .
2 Oh well , and a little jog of the memories to people who are out there collecting their donations in , or people who have promised money — get that money in and get it off to er well to you I suppose , Mike .
3 It makes one wonder how much longer its OEM customer , technology partner and minority shareholder Hewlett-Packard Co is going to wait before buying the company and putting it out of its misery — or is it going to stand aside and let Sequoia 's other major partner , Samsung Electronics Co , Seoul , South Korea nip in and snap it up under its nose ?
4 If , by a stroke of luck , the knife is dropped , do n't make yourself vulnerable by bending down to pick it up ; jump in and kick it out of reach .
5 Vivienne would pick them up and say , it 's alright I 'll just wash them down and put them back on the rack .
6 The , they really convert bibles for doing that is because I 've always done that of er right that 's , that 's out of the way , jump the paperwork , now what about talking about your clubs and that t to sort of close down the call and relax the client for getting into referral mode and I 've always done it tail end on so the introduction to the referral is at the beginning and perhaps looking for them during i is totally unfamiliar , I mean I do note the odd thing as I go through and note them down on the , the but I 'd never been used to actually although we were told referrals how and why that went with it .
7 When you get on towards sixty you are not like any one younger , so will you kindly consider the matter over and help me out of it .
8 ‘ A gin and tonic , please , ’ she replied , and , when he brought it over and set it down before her on a low table , ‘ It 's very good of you to see me , ’ she thought she should mention .
9 He turned the paper over and put it back on the top of the pile .
10 Their greatest fear is that as they become weaker , ‘ caring authorities ’ will take them over and whisk them away to be ‘ looked after properly ’ .
11 A manuscript of poems was assembled by him for the Professor to view ; the intention being ( and Dudek was very well experienced in this sort of work ) for him to take the matter over and see it through to publication .
12 it 's not like putting pennies on the table and counting them , put twelve pennies on and share them out between three people , no problem , but you put three pennies and share them out between twelve people .
13 Harbury rattled on : ‘ I know he 'd rather make a statement later on and give it simultaneously to everyone .
14 Unless the agent can give you figures showing that it really will pay you to cash in your present policy and take out a completely new one , keep it on and top it up with another , smaller policy .
15 Memory is a bit of a misnomer erm , because if you switch the computer off and switch it back on again , the file wo n't be there any more , because it has n't remembered it .
16 if you 're gon na do that , I 'll tell ya if you switch it off and switch it back on again if , if it 's the problem I think it is it 'll cure it , if it 's which I do n't think it is , it 's the other one that 's incurable
17 I was sweating , you could imagine thinking God we 're going to have to take the wheels off and drag it through with a tractor or something like that on skids , cos we needed the van for Monday and there was n't going to be a lot of t But then suddenly yes a again I suddenly th
18 ‘ And he tied the horse up ; took the shoes off and put them back on again .
19 The first members of the teams run up to the suitcases and put everything on , run round the back of the rest of the team and then take everything off and put it back in the suitcase before running back and touching the next member of the team who repeats the process .
20 Why ca n't I take it off and rest it awhile on someone 's mantel-piece ?
21 Gradually harden them off and set them out in late May or early June when nights are no longer frosty .
22 Go to a pushbike shop they whip them off and whip them on for you you buy , you know , if you go out and buy one then just take wheel with you they 'll stick them straight on .
23 There , they would check it off and whoosh it back to you with the customer 's change and the docket stamped .
24 If you only have one rope , do your second a favour and either double it up or pull it through after doing the pitch and drop it back to your mate to protect the moves down the flake .
25 She wanted to snatch them up and hide them away from the coolly assessing scrutiny that seemed to lay her bare .
26 We 'd get our demands because anything was done to shut us up and get us out of their offices .
27 ‘ I 'll need some help to wrap it up and get it down to the car .
28 You ca n't up and change it just like that . ’
29 But always some clerk would gather them up and shower them back from an upper window .
30 What you did was to save the lot up and cash it in for a big meal .
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