Example sentences of "[adv prt] [coord] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] down " in BNC.

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1 Then another time I smashed my cell up and slashed my arms and that , because I did n't get any letters or anything like that , so one of the screws came in and they put us down the block .
2 He fetched it in and he bunged it down and I said that 's not a twenty two , he said it is , so when he 'd gone it were only nineteen so I rung him up I says hey
3 I got up and he knocked me down again .
4 Well , ten minutes later it was still up to me knees , I said , I ca n't keep this up and he shouted something down to somebody else , who shouted to somebody else , Put your sprags back lads .
5 I gave it a coat yesterday morning and then it hardened up and I rubbed it down with a bit of fine wire wool today
6 And they take the cartridge out and they send it down to Cardiff which is where Mel is
7 At first the language helper repeats each phrase for you as it is played back and you write it down , but your aim should be that when you have worked out a phonemic script for the language you teach the language helper to transcribe texts for you .
8 No I went back and got in the car and was fiddling about and I wrote it down on a matchbox you see .
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