Example sentences of "[adv prt] [coord] [verb] [pers pn] down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Be thankful I 'm not a Gunner : I 'd 've brought my theodolite along and surveyed us down to the inch every five minutes . ’
2 The , they really convert bibles for doing that is because I 've always done that of er right that 's , that 's out of the way , jump the paperwork , now what about talking about your clubs and that t to sort of close down the call and relax the client for getting into referral mode and I 've always done it tail end on so the introduction to the referral is at the beginning and perhaps looking for them during i is totally unfamiliar , I mean I do note the odd thing as I go through and note them down on the , the but I 'd never been used to actually although we were told referrals how and why that went with it .
3 ‘ A gin and tonic , please , ’ she replied , and , when he brought it over and set it down before her on a low table , ‘ It 's very good of you to see me , ’ she thought she should mention .
4 Vologsky finished the bottle off and slammed it down upon the table .
5 ‘ I 'll need some help to wrap it up and get it down to the car .
6 She jumped up and thrust him down on the seat , holding his shoulders .
7 Artemis reached up and took it down off the shelf .
8 Never mind the boring breakbeat rubbish going around , this is the real story , which trips you up and hoses you down in a shower of sparkling special effects .
9 What usually happens is one bloke ‘ digs ’ ( see box ) the ball up , the other guy ‘ volleys it ’ high in the air , then the first guy jumps up and smashes it down over the net .
10 I think they 've all got their own washing machines on the ward and that sort of thing , whereas we had to do it by hand and then bundle it all up and send it down to the laundry .
11 With a deep groan he reached up and pulled her down beside him .
12 Or walk out and let you down at the last minute . ’
13 ‘ Take me out and shoot me down like a dog , old buddy , I was forgetting .
14 All that remains is to wrap the covering material round and glue it down to the boards .
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