Example sentences of "[adv prt] [coord] [verb] [pron] over [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This news came within a week , as he had been picked up on Myitkyina airfield , unable to walk , and a lone plane came down and took him over to Dibrugarh , where he had to stay in hospital for over a week .
2 Then he heard Boy say ‘ Yes , ’ and then he heard the TV change ; Boy had got up and turned it over to a boxing match , which was something Boy never usually watched .
3 Edward picked them up and brought them over to where we were .
4 And she was all right because when I got back here , she drove up and asked me over for coffee .
5 The poet picked it up and handed it over to the Time Lord .
6 She 's not comi oh what do you want me to do , pick her up and carry her over to the house ?
7 He picked garments up and turned them over with his fingertips , gingerly , as if they were disgusting .
8 Take the horses out and lead them over to the tithe barn .
9 ‘ Do n't want you collapsing on us — not good for the department 's reputation , ’ she joked lightly , and wheeled him round and handed him over to his wife .
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