Example sentences of "[adv prt] [coord] [verb] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Certain things can never be blamed on or explained in terms of witchcraft .
2 But if it were pigeon droppings then it would be a moot point as to whether merely to murmur condolences and hurry on or to set to work with a clean handkerchief .
3 A long-term socio-economic programme in areas where small farms predominate will seek to encourage the amalgamation of small farms into more viable units to correct the age balance and encourage young people to stay on or come into farming in remote areas .
4 Section 5(1) of UCTA 1977 states : 5- ( 1 ) In the case of goods of a type ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption , where loss or damage ( a ) arises from the goods proving defective while in consumer use ; and ( b ) results from the negligence of a person concerned in the manufacture or distribution of the goods , liability for the loss or damage can not be excluded or restricted by reference to any contract term or notice contained in or operating by reference to a guarantee of the goods .
5 If it could live in or travel through air like cold or flu viruses , a completely different pattern of infection would have emerged .
6 He will undoubtedly find that the very term ‘ baptism ’ is a difficult one to use all the time , since it really refers to the rite of immersing in or sprinkling with water as a sign of purification and , with Christian churches , admission to the Church .
7 So many of you have written in and asked for help with this game , I 've decided to print a few more hints ( thanks go to Richard Lupton , Mark Latham and Ewen Nicholson for this stuff ) .
8 It came in a stone mug , deliciously cold and wiping out in one mouthful the heat of the morning and the traces of last night 's headache ( he wondered briefly how the Engineer regiment was getting on in its battle positions ; by now they should be dug in and pausing for sips of lukewarm water or barely warmer tea .
9 We went in and looked from room to room .
10 ‘ One day , ’ I told him , ‘ someone will walk in and fall in love with it just the way we did . ’
11 Lorrimer came in and stood in front of the desk .
12 We go in and move from room to room .
13 Malcolm also slowly moved into made-to-measure tailoring , probably because of teddy boys coming in and asking for stuff to be made up .
14 Generations of the same familyes have worked at Cowley , in recent years the numbers employed have declined , two of the works are due to close he says , The opening of Act 2 is a song which dela swith the lethargy that is seeping in and coming to terms with being out of work .
15 She sat down and set to work on the files .
16 In the heart of the press one or two died of suffocation , and many were ridden down and crushed to death under the horses ' feet .
17 He put the magazine down and stared into space over my head , smiling wisely as I cleared my throat and flapped the hem of my dressing-gown as unobtrusively as I could .
18 William Huskisson , President of the Board of Trade , was run down and killed at Parkside on the inaugural run of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway in 1830 .
19 SINGAPORE ( Reuter ) — The Prime Minister of Singapore , Lee Kuan Yew , confirmed in an interview with the BBC that he would step down and hand over power to his deputy , Goh Chok Tong , by the end of next year .
20 She and Edward would be alone on Grace , and they could batten down and stay in bed for twenty-four hours if they felt like it .
21 The overall law of this country is laid down and maintained by Parliament by means of Acts which are passed from time to time .
22 He was on the run for forty-three days , sheltering for part of the time in a cornfield , being fed occasionally by sympathetic French farmers , but was hunted down and sent to captivity in Belgium .
23 4 The attacker places his left leg down and pivots through 180° to the right , extending his right leg .
24 I do n't think I I 'm likely to say anything use , use down and taken in evidence against me
25 ‘ I 've got a dead white face , staring black eyes , stringy hair and I need a shave , ’ she announced in a rush , put the phone down and collapsed into gales of laughter .
26 In Florence , for example , statues have been taken down and housed in museums with replicas being put in their place .
27 When did you last sit down and talk about priorities for your own relationship ?
28 Some 30 miles from Berlin he comtemplated hitch-hiking , but rejected it , trudging along and coming upon allotments with apple trees .
29 The parent can join in but playing in parallel alongside the child may help the parent not take over what the child is doing .
30 It will all depend on the choice to be made by the national legislatures , and in the case of countries which make the third choice the employee 's option not to transfer may give the worker no more than he or she already has under the Mikkelsen doctrine i.e. the option of going over or resigning from employment with the transferor .
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