Example sentences of "[adv prt] [adv] [adv] as [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Ministers of the Crown will no longer be responsible for the internal workings of such organisations , accept in so far as they fulfil their contractual obligations .
2 Mandy , her battle-lust having died down as quickly as it had set in , flopped down on Charity 's bed , and patted the spot beside her .
3 The man on the rod would be unable to reel in fast enough as they ran down on the Zodiac .
4 the affair blew over as quickly as it had begun , for Bayley removed his sons from the School at the end of the Summer Term .
5 Gazzer leaned over as far as he dared and gave her a hand , holding on to her arm while she helped Simon to hoist himself up .
6 Any birthday celebrations always seem to be over as swiftly as they begin , and the anticipation is probably just as important as the event itself , but a pressed flower picture can serve as a lovely memento .
7 Love , she wanted to shout , only his mirthless smile cut the word off in the throat , and then her breathing was cut off as well as he placed one of her hands on the accelerated pulse beating in his neck .
8 Ven chopped her off stingingly before she could finish — and Fabia knew then that she was n't going to get off as lightly as she 'd hoped .
9 Then it cut off as suddenly as it had started .
10 The cloudburst switched itself off as abruptly as it had started , and the moon , peering momentarily out from an ink-black cloudscape , showed a coastal desert of pure white sand backed by low hills of chemical-green and violent reds , cactus everywhere and trucks parked on the dirt verge , most of them painted in livid crimson on white — Optimista , Primero de Mayo , La Virgen .
11 He took up a cloth by the side of the cash register and started to move it slowly over the surface , looking up just once as I left the shop , saying , ‘ Goodbye , then . ’
12 Nor have prices gone up as fast as it predicted .
13 Rincewind stood up as slowly as he dared , and drew from his belt the short sword he had taken from the guard a few hours and a hundred years ago .
14 IBM Corp 's James Cannavino took some time out to explain exactly what Louis Gerstner is doing with regard to the company 's restructuring — Gerstner , he says , ‘ has stopped any organisation in IBM that was creating a subsidiary just for accounting reasons ’ — instead , he decided it was better to change the accounting practices — ‘ which is great ’ declares Cannavino , ‘ because it means that the accountants are staying up as late as we do now ’ .
15 Cannavino took some time out to explain exactly what Louis Gerstner is doing with regard to the company 's restructuring — Gerstner , he says , ‘ has stopped any organisation in IBM that was creating a subsidiary just for accounting reasons ’ — instead , he decided it was better to change the accounting practices — ‘ which is great ’ declares Cannavino , ‘ because it means that the accountants are staying up as late as we do now ’ .
16 Jack crept up as far as he dared and then froze .
17 So it 's jargon , it 's assuming people will pick things up as quickly as we have and it 's not recognising that people have different interpretations .
18 Rosa slipped out of their bed , and , imagining herself on water , trod as lightly as she could ; her feet left moist imprints on the coldness of the tiled floor which shrivelled up as quickly as she made them , until she too vanished through the door .
19 He must have grown up now just as she had done .
20 Too many pilots allow their glider to zoom up too steeply as they leave the ground .
21 Let's have a look at this year 's price list er it says nineteen ninety three but I say it 's carried on as far as we know er there are n't any at the moment increases .
22 He was white with rage and she stepped back rather fearfully as he came inside and slammed the door , locking it securely .
23 And quite a few blisters bursting out all over as they say .
24 In some ways , it is quite remarkable that Andrew turned out as well as he did . ’
25 ‘ I mean , what if she really is making out as well as she says ?
26 All in all it was not turning out as badly as he had feared .
27 The tide went out as fast as it came in , and it was not unusual for large fish to be stranded in one of the various sized lakes left behind in the sand hollows .
28 Padding out as silently as she came , she left me to the early morning quiet .
29 Having her father with them on holiday was going to turn out as disastrously as she had expected .
30 She was furious because I would n't do what she wanted and paid me back as spitefully as she knew how .
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