Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] a [noun sg] [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Leave it on for a year you 'll get a bill .
2 Well I mean for the first year she wo n't be in if she goes in as a student she 'll be in college .
3 so , if , if , if they 're all four of them coming er and she says about going in for a meal I shall say oh well if you feel like it go and do that then and come for your tea I mean it 's just putting them round table is n't it ?
4 Yes because it 's not the like that underneath , if they did n't pull it apart they , they cut down , if they cut down with a knife they could cut into something could n't they ?
5 They did that with the neeps so that when the man came along with a cart they could throw them , you see .
6 but I would imagine down on a floor it would look very , the diamonds would be too much if you
7 I mean , like you say , if we could put five thousand pound down on a car we 'd have
8 The creation of structure was for a purpose : the hermetic principle of ‘ as above , so below ’ , imitating the macrocosm in the microcosm , bringing the vastness of nature and the universe down to a scale we can relate to .
9 Stand up yeah be over in a minute I 'll do it I 'll
10 Tt now if we just take that , that latter point up for a minute we can
11 I have n't really asked you very many questions so I 'll , I 'll ask you a question which sets us up for a programme we might do in the next series , having discussed the wedding , next the honeymoon !
12 While I go up for a bath you can take stock of the supplies I brought . ’
13 So secure was this control , I was told , that if a monkey in a red jacket was put up as a candidate it would be elected .
14 There are regular canal pubs and boatyards and if you moor up near a town you will usually find yourself half a mile to a mile from the town centre .
15 Well in them days you could , if you got fed up with a job you could just go and move on to another
16 Up to a point they will , but they can not afford to let rescuing the banks sap their competitiveness , whether against other Japanese firms or against foreign ones .
17 ‘ The idea has always been at Knightshayes to blend if it 's possible — up to a point you can do it — the garden you 're making into its setting .
18 And I said , and she said oh well she said you know well it 's that 's how you 've got ta take it stripped , for me to take that to get that done up by a restorer you 'd have to take all the upholstery off , or quite a bit off
19 Of course , if you take the back off a watch you wo n't find 15 individual flip-flops inside .
20 ‘ Shift the cattle , work the horses , stick and ball , come back for lunch , an hour 's siesta , and you go out like a light I can tell you , then we play chukkas in the afternoon .
21 ‘ If a woman wanted to maintain the right to come back into a job she would have to take part in in-service courses to keep up to date with changes in the working world . ’
22 No you you do n't have to rub out the line you can just draw another one as if it 's coming out from a bit you ca n't see .
23 In order to help people like Jeff Lockyer , the Oxfordshire money advice project has set up a Debtline which offers people advice on how to control their debts and pay back at a pace they can afford .
24 On a beat , that is with the sheet pulled in tightly but as we turn on to a ridge you 'll see that we have to ease the sheet out so that the sail stays at the same angle for the wind .
25 Ruth surveyed the freshly-turned earth and looked around for a flower she could place on the grave , but it was the last day of December and there was nothing in bloom .
26 I yelled , flinging my arms about in a style I might have copied from them .
27 And then when he took he wheeled about in a wheelchair he 'd say , I want to go to army Emma .
28 Cos you know she usually do if I have n't been round for a while she 'll say oh what 's the matter , have I done something wrong or why you have n't been round or Perhaps she thinks well it 's too far to come .
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