Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] the [num ord] two [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Despite this apparent lack of interest at high level , detail work must have been carried on during the next two years , for Gordon Thomas , together with the signatories of the memorandum , took out two patents relating to the lift .
2 Hunter 's approach inaugurated a wide-ranging debate about ‘ community power structures ’ between elite theorists and pluralists which rumbled on for the next two decades .
3 It 's the relationship between the client and the advertiser which goes on for the next two years .
4 In the U K the improvement plans we 've been working on for the last two years have been very successfully implemented but they 've been overtaken by the U K recession .
5 As cricket activity wound down during the first two years of the war the Otago CA was finding Crawford to be an expensive acquisition , with only £103 in the Coach 's Fund and £169 being paid out for a six-month period .
6 ‘ Most of the children came in during the first two days and our helplines were flooded with calls , but they appear to have calmed down now . ’
7 Builders move in during the next two weeks and work should be complete in 20 weeks , he said .
8 That settled , I booked myself in for the first two weeks of August , five months after my operation .
9 Cy left the cast and Michael came in for the last two weeks of rehearsals .
10 This possibility gradually breaks down in the next two stanzas .
11 Before the worst was over and the pound began to depreciate again , some twenty per cent of them had gone for ever , and a further ten per cent were so weakened that they too shut down in the next two years .
12 The delay necessitated going back to the trough for a third-round of venture capital after going through the $12m brought in by the first two rounds .
13 Colleagues I 'd just like to put one of er John 's themes and that is that for the next couple of days we 've got a hell of a lot of business to get through and er we 've done quite well so far but er I would certainly be looking where possible colleagues for formally seconding er , as often as possible , if not all the time and I really appreciate your er your assistance in that regard because we have a great deal of business to get through in the next two days .
14 The Romanesque was taken over in the last two decades of the nineteenth century , when American railway-station building reached its apogee in masterpieces of creative eclecticism .
15 A 68 put Ballesteros safely through to the last two days but a distressed Olazabal , despite a 69 , faced an anxious wait to see if he would make the cut .
16 UI reportedly told staff laid off in the last two weeks that it was short of funds , attributing the situation to an accounting error .
17 Seven meetings have been called off in the last two days , including all three of yesterday 's cards plus three scheduled for today at Carlisle , Taunton and Warwick .
18 Bowater 's retiring chairman , Norman Ireland , described the purchase as an ‘ exhilarating opportunity ’ and said trading in the last four months of 1992 had been good and this had carried on into the first two months of this year .
19 They holed up for the next two days in Leatherslade Farm House … at Oakley twenty seven miles away .
20 I do n't want this match to end up like the last two Tests . ’
21 But after the relativists ' case is built up in the first two articles , no one has much to say for it , at least not the strong version that splits systems of thought into watertight compartments .
22 Piper , fighting behind a stiff left jab and a MENSA rating of 153 , backed Benn up in the first two rounds , with hard short rights .
23 LAST year , when the Dublin Tornadoes played the Belfast Spartans , the Tornadoes went 13–0 up in the first two minutes of the game before the Spartans fought back to win 16–13 .
24 This year the Tornadoes again went 13–0 up in the first two minutes .
25 The accounts suggest that if this trend continues , ‘ the entire investment base of the Diocese will have been used up within the next two years . ’
26 So I will take the blame for that one , but why did n't the machine tuck up on the first two garments of the same size ?
27 Over 60 turned up at the first two sessions at the town 's Southlands Centre .
28 The importance of the parallel market is touched on in the first two sources above , and also in Podolski ( 1986 , Chs 5.2 and 6.2 ) , Llewellyn et al.
29 Francis has aggravated an old groin problem in training , and said : ‘ You can count me out for the next two weeks . ’
30 But if the negotiators do allow them to fail after all , or if the United States Congress rejects any compromise that may be worked out during the next two months , the effects will be disastrous .
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