Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] the [adj] business of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm sorry to keep you waiting , ’ he went on , ‘ but those of you who have been here before will know that I like to say a few words to break the ice before we get down to the real business of the weekend .
2 If he 's been largely absent from the small screen for the last two years ( the South Bank Show spoof , Norbert Smith , was a revamp of an old idea ) , that 's because he 's unplugged the phone , taken time out with his two old drinking pals and got down to the serious business of mucking about .
3 From then on it 's all down to the serious business of sunbathing on the sand interspersed with the occasional trip to one of the beach bars .
4 Back in Barbados , we got down to the serious business of Christmas .
5 Some of the journalists had already left ; others had settled down to the serious business of getting drunk .
6 As Vimla pirouetted , pulling her sari over her head in a parody of the Dance of the Seven Veils , Chaman Guru put down the cymbals and got down to the serious business of collecting money .
7 And , flushed with success , they treated Sam and his mother to a celebratory ride round the block before leaving the pair to get down to the essential business of a trip to the shops for a new plastic seat .
8 Otherwise you may find yourself later , as you sweep along on the actual business of writing , gradually drifting into producing quite another sort of book than the one you set out to write and in consequence disappointing readers ' expectations which at the beginning you had gone to trouble to arouse .
9 The doctors had told him he must take several months off from the exhausting business of running a supremely successful nightclub , for the sake of his health , and looking at him now she could see all too clearly the deeply etched lines on his face , the distinct greyness of his skin .
10 This will involve tone as much as doctrine , but he would be as ill-advised to go on about the Government 's intention of building a classless society , which it ca n't build anyway , as to adopt the easy belief that the climate of opinion can be left to look after itself while ministers get on with the practical business of government .
11 ‘ We were sent upstairs to address envelopes as ‘ the girls ’ ‘ , she recalls , ‘ while Clive got on with the serious business of deciding about the paper .
12 No further discussion necessary on their budget let's get on with the serious business of funding real education in Hertfordshire which we asked and in this particular case the Labour party .
13 From a family of fish merchants , he has served on Billingsgate committees and all but despairs of ‘ them ever getting on with the real business of selling fish ’ .
14 All Irish landladies , however pleasant , seemed to breathe a sigh of relief when a visitor left , and they were able to get on with the intense business of family life without interruption .
15 Those who care for ‘ ordinary ’ old people learn much about the courage and competence which so many display ; they discover that it is their ordinariness which is remarkable — their determination to carry on with the daily business of life , often in the face of considerable difficulties .
16 He wanted people to get on with the urgent business of living the good life set out in the Eightfold Path , and not to waste time or energy in speculation and debate .
17 I am well aware of the anxiety of people in Plymouth to get on with the whole business of the release and development of Ministry of Defence land .
18 While Robinson develops his remarkable rapport with the crowd , the rest of the band take a back-seat , and simply get on with the important business of shaking their flowing locks , sporting massive Stetsons and playing their gee-tars ( man ) .
19 Senior officials could carry on with the day-to-day business of the state without concerning themselves with any kind of specialist ministerial control .
20 I think he was certainly mixed up in the beastly business of getting into England some of those unhappy Asians who pay through the nose either because they 're desperate to join relatives , or because they think they can find work here .
21 Wrapped up in the everyday business of looking after her newborn baby , Belinda felt fine : she could cope for a few days .
22 The walk combines a fun day out with the important business of raising funds to help the millions of animals who suffer each year in laboratory tests .
23 Kids in shorts can stick My Own Meal , Kids Kitchen and Kid Cuisine ( all from Campbells ) in the little box , turn the knob , wait briefly , unload , zap down their food and get back to the major business of life , the latest video .
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