Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] the [noun] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yet as they continued on through the shallows so birds wheeled about them in alarm , and creatures shifted in the undergrowth .
2 And it 's being pencilled in for the weekend after Wigan are due to defend their world sevens title in Sydney on February 5-7 .
3 He drove about in a horse and cart and one of his tricks was to whip the horse up into a canter and crouch down behind the seat so people would think it had bolted .
4 Panic-stricken , she tried to pull her arm out of his , but her companion ignored her struggles , saying , ‘ Come on , ducks , no need to bovver ourselves with supper ; let's ‘ ave our bit of fun first , ’ and pulled her along into the alley where Dr Neil had found her .
5 Sarella looked down into the courtyard where Peter was busily taking off his skis .
6 The chief superintendent had a corner office with a view down onto the place where tenders took on loads of aviation fuel from huge land-based tanks .
7 Younger men sometimes criss-crossed the frontiers of Carolingian regna : middle-age brought a tendency to settle down in the regnum where closeness to the king ( modern German historians have coined the useful term Königsnähe ) had brought greatest rewards .
8 Nearing the Sandaig River , which rushes down from the mountains and passes beneath the road to enter the Sound , gated forest roads lead down to the beach where Gavin Maxwell had a cottage he called Camusfearna and wrote his world best-seller about his life there with the sea otters he admitted to his home as companions .
9 From the square in front of the hotel , an avenue led down to the Corniche where people strolled arm iii arm along the Nile .
10 Clem , go down to the cottage where Anna 's staying .
11 ‘ Hey , Ellen ! ’ the doctor shouted down to the galley where Ellen was trying to disguise the fact that the frozen steaks were being thawed in a microwave .
12 If speakers could come down to the front please Colleagues , settle now please .
13 Condom culture extends right down to the kindergarten where games of ‘ Aids tag ’ are now occurring .
14 Sam and Duncan McCrea raced down to the street where Lou Collins had left a CIA car should the listeners in the apartment need transport .
15 They walked side by side , not touching , down to the corner where Steep Street began .
16 I wandered down to the kitchens where Wolsey 's chefs were busy creating subtleties , strange confectionery creations : towers and castles of sugar ready to launch their assault on valiant teeth .
17 One of his favourite instances is the scene in On the Waterfront when Brando , thinking he was between takes , idly tried on the glove that Eva Marie Saint had dropped .
18 If you want to be in on the action then Club Benitses is the place to be .
19 Bill , there there 'll be a tiny wee spot of water down at the bottom here Bill that 'll maybe take today just to dissolve away .
20 Lower than a thousand units er there 's no immediate affect and one 's tempted to think that erm the er er it 's , that radiation 's therefore safe below that level and that 's not strictly true because there is the possibility of a long term affect it can actually cause cancer in the long term but with very low er ra- er levels of risk cos you can see down at the levels where people actually get radiation doses er like erm members of the public or erm from the actual background of people who work in nuclear power stations , you 're talking about very low levels but the levels , those sort of levels I mean one in three hundred thousand , one in three million , that sort of thing you ca n't actually measure in real er populations because there er any effects that there are can be swamped by other ways of getting er of getting cancer .
21 He stopped , mouth agape , gazing down across the Sound where Luch up on the roof was pointing .
22 The pondering , the getting at the absent Stavrogin , proves successful ; many acute observations buttress the central ‘ lukewarm ’ truth about him , and analysis spills over into the notebooks where Tikhon 's God's-voice function appears at its clearest .
23 Over in the bower where Ralemberg and his wife used to sit were four corpses , each covered by a dirty , canvas sheet .
24 But he 'll go on applying the skills learnt on those days in the Nottingham library to a wider cricketing canvas , and using that cast accumulated knowledge to enlighten others — not least the thousands of schoolchildren who visit Trent Bridge in parties each year : ‘ Last season we had several hundred children through on the day when Derek Randall needed one run to complete his 20,000 for the county — and I made certain they all knew about the landmark .
25 Bunny raised no more than than an eyebrow and we shouldered our way through to the hall where Dosh and Freddie were discovering that they could really get to like Kümmel .
26 Maggie went through to the kitchen where April was rolling pastry and Pet , her fourteen-year-old sister , paring and cutting up apples .
27 Anyway , Reverend William Lee , his son and his brother , went over to France to see if Henry , King Henry of France could help him er but before he could get through to the court there King Henry died and then William Lee died without seeing his machine come to any sort of commercial fruition .
28 She nodded mutely , and while she did as she was told he went over to the bed where Effie had begun to writhe and cry out , and her pains , which were erratic , had started again — that they were so erratic was another bad sign , Dr Neil quietly explained .
29 IN THE PINEWOOD DRESSING ROOM Tamzin , Right Said Fred 's young manager , wanders over to the window where Rob — the one some magazine called ‘ the bubble-permed misfit ’ — sits , in silence , just smoking roll-ups , his tobacco tin next to him .
30 He went over to the spot where Allen had hidden , ‘ … and then moved from tree to tree until he reached the path about twenty paces ahead .
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