Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] the [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The first lecture I gave I was going on about the different approaches to psychology .
2 A heavy south easterly swell rolling in through the wide sounds to the north of Bressay threw Venturous on her beam ends several times , so much so that fuel oil spilled over through the deck breather pipes .
3 Just as her words were out one of the charity women came chattering in through the open doors to the terrace .
4 But when I mentioned that there was a legendary tunnel that ran from the battlements of Beaufort down through the sheer rock to the bottom of the Litani gorge , they leapt to their feet and bounded up one of the staircases .
5 He pulled up and we could look down through the grey cloud-mist to the centre of the village where an old stone bridge and several houses were crumbling into the river .
6 The Chart parser thus fulfills the architectural requirements outlined above and , in addition , reflects the paring down of the graph-searching task to its barest requirements with few restrictions on how the graph should be constructed and explored .
7 This breaking down of the large molecules to smaller ones is the job of enzymes .
8 The only street fell steeply down towards the secondary gateway to the Manor and had about fifteen cottages on the east side of the road .
9 They refuse to go along with the current vogues to which the impressionable Continentals pander .
10 As the centre of Paris moved west , masses of workers were evicted from the city centre , some to move along with the new factories to the banlieue .
11 A list follows of all the possible errors reported when a Transaction Failure occurs , along with the necessary steps to be taken to recover .
12 At the time of weddings , a group of women and children came across the fields with baskets and scarves full of sweets and rice which they touched down under the holy tree to be blessed , before going back the same way they 'd come .
13 Once it was called Murias , and many stories were told of how it had sunk down from the upper world to Undersea .
14 The institutes which began to open in London in the late 1850s appear to have recruited from among the lower-middle class , though Waldo McGillicuddy Eagar , a young Edwardian club worker ( later to be a leading figure in the National Association of Boys ' Clubs ) claimed that ‘ as anxiety about the working classes was intensified , some Youths ’ Institutes reached down from the middle classes to the poor , and increasingly diluted their formal educational programmes with recreational activities .
15 The dusky pink body is heavily patterned with golden-yellow spotted scales , this spotting diminishes in prominence as it progresses down from the dorsal area to the belly of the fish .
16 But anyway we 've grasped the point that the general elections it 's really down to the prime minister to er er to ask for the dissolution of parliament and the prime minister will normally a will normally ask for the dissolution of parliament when he or she thinks they 've got the best chance of winning .
17 Father got a bit worked up about this , but it was above my head until I got down to the specific steps to success which appear in the following chapters , so just remember OIL .
18 I remember arriving in my father 's Pontiac at clubs just like this , sweeping ( not always silently ; the car was old ) down to the front door to be deposited and greeted , to be called ‘ sir ’ by elderly black men .
19 From here , a turn down to the left leads to High Birkwith and then two miles of uneventful tarmac , heading south to the starting point of the walk at Horton .
20 Nevertheless he seemed willing enough to accompany the Finnish detective in the dangerous climb down over the tumbling rocks to where his cousin and his cousin 's pretty , peroxided fiancée lay .
21 He let the tip of his tongue traverse the valley between her breasts , and continue down over the sensitive midriff to the taut hollow of her belly .
22 They reached Airman 's Grave and paused together beside its perimeter wall , gazing in at the poignant tribute to one victim of a long-ago conflict , though not as long-ago , it occurred to Derek , as the conflict which had recently extended its crabbed old hand to touch their lives .
23 For twenty paces you can feel your way along by the low walls to your right .
24 She watched him ride on , past the lilacs , past the green door and on towards the main gate to the farmyard .
25 His first appointment was in Leeds as a poor law surgeon , which he later described as ‘ an ordeal all the medical men of the town go through as the high road to better practice ’ .
26 The first time I get on , it is often after spending a few hours with them , and I kinda transfer over from the stable door to their backs . ’
27 That monstrous bombard Mons Meg was heaved over from the Low Countries to Scotland .
28 One of them told Trent to fetch a gas can over to the Co-operative quay to be filled at the Co-op 's gas pump .
29 At the farm entrance gate marked Bwlch-y-waun follow the path leading off up the open hill to the summit of Tor y Foel ( 1,806ft ) .
30 Dej and his colleagues did not want to remain the poor peasant cousins of the other Communist states which were going off along the high road to communism .
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