Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] the [noun] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At Newlands , the way in which Australia compensated judiciously , changing the plays , ploughing on through the mud with high kicks , by forcing the lineout , by their discipline and tactics around the fringes , was an object lesson .
2 Er they would n't go and sit down for the story with all the other children sit at , sat on my knee on the floor for a short while .
3 By then it was blowing a full gale from the west , the wind slamming down off the mountains with katabatic blasts that hammered the luminous white of the water with such fury that it splayed out like shot , a reminder that the heights west of the port were almost six hundred metres high , the first ski-run only eight kilometres away by car .
4 well may I propose that we put all this along of the lines with flexible that they expressed the committee tonight and use ?
5 Then fear overcame curiosity and he scrambled down from the tree with such haste that he skinned his knees and gouged a long deep gash along the inside of his forearm .
6 In her plain blue suit she came down from the Clubhouse with two of the owners who seemed to want to be near the horses at ground level .
7 In general , however , the President stood aloof , refusing as he put it " to get down in the gutter with that guy " .
8 At last they slumped down in the sunshine with two long bamboos to chase away the chickens .
9 LUKE PARKED HIS Chevrolet Celebrity on the fifth floor of the studio carpark and rode down in the elevator with two minor executives in tracksuits who were discussing the latest records broken by ‘ 'T IS He Whose Yester-evening 's High Disdain ’ .
10 The room was silent as she scrabbled in her box of pieces and , from the very bottom , produced a couple that she set down on the board with two decisive clicks .
11 He brought his talons and beak down on the bars with such force that the very Cages themselves shook with the power of it .
12 He finished off his drink and set the empty glass down on the table with exaggerated care .
13 If I 'd have thought that Mrs Carrow would take it on herself to go down to the beach with little Celia that morning when one of my younger brothers came for me because my mum was ill , well I 'd never have gone , however much I was needed at home .
14 There are now nine regional councils ( ranging from Strathclyde with 2.3m inhabitants down to the Borders with 101,000 ) and fifty-three district councils ( ranging from 744,000 in Glasgow to 10,000 in Badenoch and Strathspey ) .
15 Yeah , I saw , I passed him this morning going down to the garage with some wood
16 ‘ And you 're going to send that girl down to the harbour with this thing ? ’
17 Hartlepool slipped back in to the lead with 3 penalties from the boot of skipper , John Stabler and then the unthinkable happened .
18 The two smaller animals padded towards him and lay down beside the fire with contented sighs , hardly giving him a glance .
19 Simply heated through in the oven with fresh butter , smokies are to me one of the most exquisite of our national specialities .
20 This concept has played the leading role in the development of the modern law but the question of definition has tended to be passed over in the cases with little analysis .
21 A few days after Hitler 's repetition of his ‘ prophecy ’ on 30 January 1942 , the SD reported that his words had been ‘ interpreted to mean that the Führer 's battle against the Jews would be followed through to the end with merciless consistency , and that very soon the last Jew would disappear from European soil ’ .
22 The poisons in tobacco smoke get through to the baby with great efficiency ; it 's getting this message to the mothers that no one has managed very effectively yet .
23 Cologne , 2-0 down from the first leg in Belgrade , won through to the quarter-finals with two goals from Goetz , his equaliser coming seven minutes from time , and a last-minute winner from Ordenewitz .
24 Two detective constables walked in and listened eagerly to the latest gossip , glancing over to the superintendent with new animation in their eyes .
25 On her feet again , Joy walked over to the table with two slim girls seated there .
26 Five or six young boys had come over to the fire with some scraps of meat and sections of cleaned intestine that they skewered with s ticks and laid on the embers to roast .
27 It is an opportunity to meet actors and find out what goes on behind the scenes with backstage tours , costume and make-up workshops , play-readings , and activities for children .
28 After a scuffle , Johnson made off in the taxi with one of the prison officers .
29 Ungainly and waddling on land , swans swim gracefully , taking off from the water with ponderous flapping to sail majestically through the air .
30 Thus , if a subsidiary company is sold off by the group with surrendered ACT , it ceases to be available for offset .
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