Example sentences of "[adv prt] [prep] [art] [adj] [unc] [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Instead , to their own imagined advantage , they fell in with the renewed Drang nach Osten .
2 The 1989 growth in GDP of 9.2 per cent was down from the 11 per cent of the previous year but unemployment during the year was at a record low of 2.2 per cent .
3 Productivity growth in manufacturing in the first quarter at 3.8 per cent was higher than the same period a year earlier , but down on the five per cent improvement in the final three months of last year .
4 The level of settlements is well down on the eight per cent recorded in the first quarter a year ago .
5 It is down on the 22.6 per cent the Liberal-SDP Alliance secured in the 1987 election .
6 He added : ‘ Looking back , I feel that relationships between me and the team started to break down at the Hungarian Grand Prix . ’
7 He accepts that it has to be traded off against the 25 per cent improvement in fuel consumption and longer engine life .
8 The new League kicked off with a 25 per cent drop in attendances compared with the old First Division a year ago .
9 The revised output figures , confirming an 0.2 per cent rise in gross domestic product in the fourth quarter of last year , made up of a 6.3 per cent rise in oil and gas production , a static service sector , and falls of 0.2 per cent in manufacturing , 0.8 per cent in construction and 1 per cent in farming , provided little fresh inspiration .
10 Other lenders may advance 95 per cent of the purchase price and then top it up with a five per cent loan from an insurance company .
11 The government subsequently altered its estimate of those able to claim and came up with a 50 per cent take-up rate .
12 The government subsequently altered its estimate of those able to claim and came up with a 50 per cent take-up rate .
13 The government subsequently altered its estimate of those able to claim and came up with a 50 per cent take-up rate .
14 Jean-Marie Le Pen 's extreme right party is now expected to get only 12-13 per cent of the vote , slightly down from its 13.6 per cent in the regional elections but up on the 9.6 per cent it won in the last general election five years ago .
15 Some predict up to a five per cent average rise by the end of the year .
16 Inevitably difficult calvings cause a whole range of problems and here Mr Barwise-Munro remarked : ‘ Up to 2.5 per cent of first calving heifers involved in such circumstances die but with those which survive , many will suffer up to a 10 per cent drop in milk yield and consequently weaning weight of calves will be lower and of course there can also be major fertility problems in getting the cows back in calf . ’
17 Ford later said that the Jaguar-GM talks had not affected its own plans ‘ Today 's announcement does not affect our view in any way , and we still plan to acquire up to a 15 per cent holding in Jaguar , ’ said a Ford spokesman in Detroit .
18 At Gédre , you can turn off the Gavarnie road to the east and drive up to the alternative Cirque de Troumouse .
19 Once you are comfortable walking at the 60 per cent level , then experiment up to the 70–75 per cent level .
20 ‘ Still holding out for the twenty per cent , I see , Maurice . ’
21 Let us concentrate rather on the last sentence of the paragraph quoted and work our way back through the foregoing non sequiturs .
22 Obviously the snake arrangements required intervention by domestic monetary authorities when currencies looked likely to break out of the per cent band .
23 The Second World War was to bring about an intensification of the disillusionment with national and international politics that led Nasser to seek an alternative through the organisation if the Free Officer corps and the carrying out of the successful coup d'etat .
24 Luckier still , out of the British pot pourri , Scots were definitely the best of the lot .
25 The next year he missed … lost the world crown after a spectacular blow out in the Australian grand prix
26 And the overall engineering figures seemed to have been held back by a ten per cent drop in the fourth quarter , pulling it down to the overall UK trend for the year of minus five per cent .
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