Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] be [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So far as Orientalism in particular and European knowledge of other societies in general have been concerned , historicism meant that one human history uniting humanity either culminated in or was observed from the vantage point of Europe , or the West …
2 Such as is it a lead that 's come in and been qualified by a sale .
3 He had come in and was leaning against the closed door , surveying the chaos with an expressionless face .
4 Although she and Robert arrived at their London hotel quite late , and admittedly she was somewhat tired from the journey , the strain of the ceremony , she was all the same a little surprised when they booked in and were shown to a suite which Robert explained was hers — alone .
5 We went in and were ushered into the hall where a number of other new children were looking at books of photos of school trips and events .
6 If implantation of a fertilized egg does not occur , this lining breaks down and is expelled from the uterus .
7 They had their heads down and were pounding across the ground with one aim in mind .
8 Mr. Crowther had his offices in an old house farther down the High Street on the other side , and in five minutes he and Sara and Matthew had walked down and were standing outside the big black door of Moorlake House .
9 Because middle class will push the lower class down and be supported by the upper class .
10 Ready potty Small enough to fold down and be popped into the glove compartment , this portable potty is invaluable during potty training days .
11 Oliver finished his speech and sat down and was slapped on the back .
12 ‘ The swinging signboard fell down and was left in the garden for 14 months .
13 More bad luck was to follow a minute later ; Steve Jenkins hit a cross shot which Spencer Creedon parried across the six yard box , Kenny Clark followed up and desperately slid in but was denied by the post , and in doing so , dislocated his finger , but was luckily allowed back into the action within minutes following treatment .
14 Somebody has locked the gates there and people who come to exercise their dogs can not get through and are pushing through the hedges and railings . ’
15 It was sent by the museum to Skinner 's where it slipped through and was bought by a dealer who also failed to recognise its quality and sold it to a young couple for $550 .
16 The signpost at Gubberford Bridge has been knocked over and is lying on the ground .
17 people would come over and be debriefed in the office .
18 You play on and are transported to the mountains where you start tramping through the ranges .
19 The matter that has given me most cause for admiration is the way in which he has conducted himself while the horrible events have gone on and been reported in the press .
20 Heavy unwanted particles sink , and lighter particles , such as tiny plant and animal remains , float off and are collected in a sieve .
21 She still had her clothes on but was covered by a grey duvet .
22 In the meantime , the TQT system is set up and is functioning within the Division , and will be presented to all levels of INROADS and support staff at informal meetings shortly .
23 I 'm concerned with er third world issues and the wider world , and the need for the Church to be prophetic and stand up and be counted for the sake of justice .
24 I do not want to stand up and be counted as a supporter of those demands .
25 It is not without significance , of course , that a young man of good Dissenting stock , with impoverished uncles , aunts and cousins , should nevertheless have chosen to stand up and be counted in a fight against a nation which , for all its extremes , represented some form of democratic republicanism .
26 It is necessary for everyone to stand up and be counted in a combined effort to make all MPs and prospective parliamentary candidates state their stance on free public access .
27 The Minister has an opportunity to stand up and be counted by the travelling , suffering public in Scotland .
28 Battling Leigh never gave up and were rewarded with a late try from Andy Collier , converted by Simon Baldwin .
29 Several minor deities had drifted up and were kibitzing over the shoulders of the players .
30 Paving stones stood up and were drawn into the new building .
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