Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] [adv prt] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The voltage applied to each phase circuit is a d.c. supply which can be switched on or off in the positive or negative sense .
2 I mean it 's going in and out at the right places but it 's also to do with childbearing O K. So George is changing the subject there completely kind of off the wall is n't he , er this comment ?
3 In that era , so much of the day was spent climbing in and out of the correct clothes that there ca n't have been much time left for recreation .
4 The dancers inside the inn were all fetched to the door by Garvey roaring with demented laughter , slapping his thighs and reeling in and out of the streaming rain .
5 While their fingers flew in and out of the earthy heap of beans Rose and Victorine talked .
6 The vessels that sailed in and out of the Minoan harbours , whether bay-hopping round the Cretan coast or bound for far-distant ports , were generally rather small .
7 I think personalised shirts , or even any shirts may be asking for trouble if we are going to mingle rather than just get herded in and out of the away enclosure .
8 They were the ones nipping in and out of the general ruck , tapping ankles , trying to spray-paint out the windows and one of them even trying to set fire to a bunch of leaflets stuffed through Naamen 's letter-box .
9 If he cracks down on you , London would crack down on all the fringe people who go in and out of the Soviet network there .
10 Rayleigh and Jeans , who did their calculations by different methods , had both supposed that the energy seeped in and out of the black body in a perfectly continuous way .
11 A pair of Harpies nest here , as they are just able to squeeze in and out of the narrow windows .
12 There was no sign of the three people I was looking for , although there were a few strange faces : three or four wives with young children sent out to grass from Athens , and one or two old couples , dehydrated rentiers , who doddered in and out of the mournful lounges of the Hotel Philadelphia .
13 As ever , little was done to conceal anything from me as I went in and out of the various rooms in which these gentlemen sat deep in discussion , and I thus could not avoid gaining a certain impression of the general mood at this stage of the proceedings .
14 ‘ I 'm up and down the stairs and in and out of the bloody shelter like a hen on a hot griddle .
15 Celia had been in and out of the Meadhaven Clinic three times now .
16 The whole afternoon was spent meandering in and out of the welcoming homes of Miss Kerr 's ageing contemporaries .
17 They do n't think you are going to steal it , and they never tell your children off if they touch things or run in and out of the hanging displays .
18 Not only is traffic on their motorways obstructing lorries going in and out of the vast Europoort , but public opposition to air pollution and the taking of scarce land for new roads is intense .
19 Other committee members were in and out of the new Law Centre , holding meetings , planning strategy , contacting people with wide experience of the sort of situation they found themselves in , and collating information .
20 On a night in early winter , one of those wild exciting nights with a brilliant moon sliding in and out of the racing clouds , Mrs Browning rang , and asked if I would go down .
21 She went to the stone sink , scrubbed her hands under the single cold tap and set off on her perambulations again , slowly circling the big pine table , moving in and out of the gibbous pool of light shed by the candles .
22 Subtle lighting changes in and around the stage from magical lights are automatic , and the puppets can duck in and out of the curtained-off side-booths to change costumes .
23 The cast is a multitude of would-be actors , friends and passers-by who drift in and out of the bizarre action in sultry Austin , Texas .
24 Watch in delight as the city 's trendiest inhabitants jetski down Fifth Avenue , or strap on your tanks and check out the exotic undersea life flitting in and out of the ruined buildings where Harlem used to be .
25 Ingratiating smiles and words were threaded in and out of the whole whirl of busyness .
26 He drove her carefully in and out of the busy Saturday morning traffic and wondered idly how he was going to explain about her to his mother , without saying where he got the money from .
27 Battered by enemies , most fiercely after the Reformation , it is now a gaunt ruin with seabirds swooping in and out of the gaping socket of its east window .
28 Jessica swam in and out of the local scene , and would be noticed , if not recorded .
29 Two buskers were playing banjos , walking up and down the line , while a dwarf scampered in and out of the waiting cinema-goers with an outstretched hand , cajoling money from the queue .
30 I could see her chest move in and out inside the light cotton jacket .
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