Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] [vb past] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There were no brakes , and if I had stumbled , then the bar that ran between the shafts behind me would have caught me in the back and either dragged me along or knocked me to the ground .
2 At this point Sergeant Aitken came in and muttered something in the Inspector 's ear .
3 Then the door of the Earl 's hall slowly yielded , and his father carried him in and laid him on the same bales .
4 She leaned in and pecked me on the lips .
5 One Saturday a woman came in and took me to a big room where there was another woman with two children .
6 Mr Wilbraham , together with one of the Tace managers Don Hammond ( managing director , components ) , and James Carr ( now finance director ) stepped in and acquired them for a consideration of £4m .
7 He rushed in and threw himself into a chair .
8 A hand reached in and grabbed him by the hair .
9 A hand reached in and grabbed him by the hair .
10 I was getting caught up in the rat race and thin round the edges spiritually , when the Lord stepped in and reminded me of a promise He made before we left Kent .
11 Seeing him kissing you , I felt such a murderous rage that I wanted to storm in and beat him to a pulp .
12 She quickly pulled it in and shoved it through the slot , hoping it was the right thing .
13 She pushed them down and left them on the floor .
14 Then he put the telephone down and rejoined her in the shop , frowning solemnly .
15 He laid the picture down and seated himself before the table .
16 ‘ The two of you rolled it up planks on to the truck , roped it down and drove it to the site ; is that right ? ’
17 It had to be in on the 7th October and we came back the beginning of September , so it was a bit of a rush , and that 's really one of my feelings about it — I sat down and wrote it off the top of my head and not an awful lot is very considered .
18 He broke the gun down and stowed it in the rucksack , slipped the spent cartridge case into his pocket , then jumped back over the fence .
19 The medal was handed to her on a velvet cushion and she bent down and hung it on a little hook with which we had each been provided on arrival .
20 She was taking off her hat and coat as she spoke ; then going over to her aunt , she bent down and kissed her on the cheek , and followed this with the same salutation for her uncle ; and in response he patted her on the shoulder .
21 He bent down and kissed her on the lips .
22 Suddenly he pulled her head down and kissed her on the lips .
23 In pure reaction from terror he broke down and wept himself into a deep , swooning sleep as soon as he was alone with his blessed candle ; but when he awoke strangely refreshed and heartened he had his wits again , and could reason about his escape .
24 So er that was a telephone call to the divisional officer , who was available at the moment and who came down and discussed it with the employer and notwithstanding that , in the afternoon I had given the management one hour to resolve the problem otherwise there was going to be a major walkout .
25 Every mouthful made me heave , but I forced it down and chased it with a second one bought by Malc .
26 Cornelius lifted him down and set him upon the copper map .
27 Now she let it down and tied it at the nape of her neck with a scarf .
28 He squatted down and propped it against a clump of little bushes , pulling up the aerial as far as it would go .
29 I wrote it all down and gave it to a solicitor .
30 He sat down and helped himself from the coffee-pot on the table , then refilled Lucy 's cup as well .
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