Example sentences of "[adv prt] [conj] [verb] [prep] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The important thing about that Richard is you still have to sit down and talk to them about these businesses .
2 There 's a thread running through them , but you have to sit down and listen to them before that sinks in . ’
3 Laura was due to go over and stay with them in September .
4 The victims were sitting on a bench when one car hit the other , bounced off and ploughed into them at 80mph , it was alleged .
5 ( When a visiting paramedic distributed free condoms , the children blew them up and played with them like balloons .
6 As they stepped out from behind the tree , a figure , walking rapidly and glancing back over his shoulder , stepped off the pavement a few yards up and came at them on a collision course .
7 ‘ For cutting animals up and disposing of them in a public place . ’
8 He had been frightened until Ivan explained to him that the sun went to bed like everyone else and would be up and shining for them in the morning .
9 There was a deathly hush , no sound but the beautiful music rising up and swirling above them to the glittering pointed icicles in the illuminated cavernous roof .
10 Then a blue Rover drew out and flashed past them at speed , two people waving .
11 It is difficult to assess exactly what all these developments mean individually , but when you step back and look at them as a whole trend , the implications become clear .
12 And some , as it meant , if that , if they had done that you actually have to put your foot in their sto , chest , or their stomach and push them away from you , and swim around and come at them from the back .
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