Example sentences of "[vb -s] n't always [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And deal with the issue actually on the Economic Development Committee budget , because er , I mean in a sense , Economic Development Committee has n't always played the game , you never know when you 're being asked to identify target reductions by an authority , they have found those target reductions , so have the Planning Committee , so have Trading Standards .
2 I E it does n't always serve the food which they would like .
3 ‘ It 's nice , ’ adds the quick-draw , slow drawl superstar in his first British interview in ages , ‘ if a woman does n't always want a hand with something .
4 Look out for a current KSA membership certificate in showrooms — a KSA logo reproduced in a manufacturer 's brochure does n't always indicate the status of the retailer — check that he 's a KSA member in his own right .
5 The drawbacks of the LB procedure are that it is slow , not easily applied to large areas and does n't always produce a film with the desired structure .
6 ‘ The aim is to point the way to an activity which does n't always get the credit it deserves , ’ Frank Kelly said .
7 Well it ca n't it does n't always solve the problem .
8 If they have n't remained constant over our sampling period , right , then there 's no point in making our sample predictions , alright , we 've got to have at least the confidence that our model is re relatively stable over our small sample , right , in order to make any sort of predictions about the behaviour of the dependent variable that we are looking at and the parameter of interest out of sample more often than not when we have parameter instability that does n't always signal a change in government policy , it often signals the fact that you 've got a very poor model , a model er is mis-specified and so if we detect a structural change in our model , we first of all try and explain why it may come about
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