Example sentences of "[vb -s] n't [vb infin] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Neil does n't care about the American mags , but since the comics and art ( both more kitsch than kinky ) are collector 's items , he 'd like to get them back .
2 But he does n't veer to the same extremes as Prince Charles .
3 Have you seen something that just does n't fit into the normal pattern of things ?
4 The marriage , a traditional marriage does n't fit with the Western structure , because our children er we like arranged marriage .
5 It does n't compare to the recent find by Suffolk farmer Eric Laws , which is estimated to be worth millions .
6 He rubbished Bruno 's up-and-coming battle with South African Pierre Coetzer at Wembley on October 17 , sneering : ‘ Bruno 's next fight does n't rank in the same league as mine .
7 Joey does n't compete in the short circuit section of the championship in which King has excelled but he has generally been in command between the hedges and today it looked like the same old story when he took the lead after the first lap .
8 Crowfield has appeared quite clearly on at least the last two editions of half mill Sheet 2171CD ( Southern England & Wales ) but does n't appear on the latest Sheet 14 ( East Anglia — Edition 12 ) quarter mill .
9 How do you make sure that everyone does n't speak at the same time ? "
10 Based very loosely on the Pat Barker novel Union Street — so loosely in fact that the Robert De Niro character Stanley does n't exist in the original — Stanley and Iris manages for most of its length to say a great deal about struggling along just above the poverty line .
11 The little volume , which deals with cooking out of doors for motorists , cyclists , campers , walkers , and fishermen has never been translated into English and would n't be of much practical use to us if it were , because the majority of the recipes are based on the products to be bought at the " village charcutier " , an institution which does n't exist in the British Isles .
12 He does n't react to the negative but takes positive steps to be successful .
13 The new range overcomes this problem and its unique design also means it does n't suffer from the inefficient grass collection experienced by many other roller lawn users .
14 " It is always interesting , well presented and does n't preach to the converted . "
15 Many are the times me wife and I have sat at the table with a large sheet of graph paper and worked it all out , only to find that either my ruler 's idea of an inch does n't tally with the real thing , or the width of a pencil line on the plan actually equates to a foot in real life .
16 This does n't matter on the odd occasion ; it is only a problem if it occurs regularly .
17 Because she 's got the two and as she said to me , it does n't matter in the junior school , he will take a teacher 's assessment or a report with him anyway .
18 Yeah , mind you his , his short er term policies so it does n't matter in the long run .
19 The important thing to remember is that it does n't matter in the slightest what this garment looks like , as long as it boasts practicality and water-resistant qualitites .
20 It does n't pay in the long run .
21 If it does n't go to the main group , it wo n't be and we may have to do something ourselves .
22 The first one we 've had satisfaction on today , erm that new employ sorry existing employment land falling vacant and being redeveloped does n't count against the sixty hecst hectares , secondly that the borough if it wished , subject to the local plan process and er county structure plan policies could choose to put its sixt sixty hectares outside the city centres or in part , and then the third weight sir which much hover in the air I guess till tomorrow would be er the arrival of the strategic site policy which would be in addition .
23 It does n't dispense at the bottom level .
24 But it does n't stretch to the Hungarian Defence Force .
25 But that does n't follow for the liberal democrats in this particular council .
26 New figures from the British Audience Research Bureau show that A Question of Sport is the sixth most popular programme among FT readers , but does n't feature in the top ten Sunday Sport readers ' list at all .
27 Does n't help with the dark ceiling , that soaks it up does n't it ?
28 He ca n't see that does n't help in the long run if ,
29 He does n't look like the first one at all . ’
30 Now , it 's not then that society does n't believe in the supernatural , we believe in the supernatural , society at large believes in the supernatural , the tragedy is that the natural man , the natural person however , as always is more willing to believe Satan 's mysteries than he is to believe God 's mysteries .
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