Example sentences of "[vb -s] an [adj] [noun] between [art] " in BNC.

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1 African bridewealth " marriage " establishes an enduring relationship between the husband and his kin on the one side and the bride and her kin on the other . "
2 • In some children studied in a normal , rhythmic environment the sleep/wake rhythm shows an intermediate stage between a lack of rhythmicity and the presence of normal rhythms ( Fig. 7.1 ) .
3 In this paper , we show that there exists an inverse correlation between the amount of mRNA produced by isogenic wild-type , mutant and revertant cells and the amount of a nuclear DNA binding factor containing Jun and Fos .
4 The new Documenta-Halle , backing onto the Friedrichsplatz , now forms an ideal bridge between the other two buildings .
5 Among surface of predators are the pelagic shoaling fish Pleurogramma antarcticum ( Figure 5.13 ) , which forms an important link between the plankton and the higher vertebrates .
6 The written acceptance of an obligation by a third party creates an additional agreement between the parties to the original agreement and the third party .
7 Thirdly , the obligation to pay loan interest on the due dates creates an immediate debt between the company and the loan stock holder for which he can sue , whereas a preference dividend does not become a debt until it is declared and due .
8 It takes Paul de Man 's Allegories of Reading as its example and demonstrates that a multi-layered structure of different voices and personalities creates an untheorised confusion between a text and its reading : a confusion which is seen as a key factor in the impact of deconstruction in literary studies .
9 Any legal system has to have an ideological base which represents an ideological alliance between the ruling class and other classes and class fractions .
10 Institutionally , the Pharmacopoeia represents an important bridge between the 126-member Council of Europe organisation and the 12 nations of the European Community .
11 Initially the road winds through woodlands of birch and alder and hazel and oak uncharacteristic of the harsh Sutherland terrain and alongside a dancing beck ; it then crosses an open moor between the buttresses of Quinag and the waters of Loch Cairnbawn .
12 On a set of black traversed with silver scaffolding — which makes good use of spotlighting and puffs of smoke to evoke a sinister underworld — Mike Alfred 's production explores an interesting parallel between the motivation and morals of two distinct types of drama some three centuries apart .
13 It is a passage that clearly portrays an intimate similarity between the two characters , although the wife is in some telling respects the more subtle of the two , reflecting the feminine cunning that is so typical of fabliau wives .
14 Melvyn Tan strikes an admirable balance between the classical and romantic in the young composer 's make-up .
15 It has recently been edited and translated into English by D. R. Hill , who points out that ‘ horologically , it provides an important link between the water-clocks of the Hellenistic world and those of Islam ’ .
16 Properly used , such a file provides an excellent compromise between the extremes of sequential processing with very rare enquiries that is best handled by sequential files , and direct processing with very infrequent sequential processing , for which direct files are most suitable .
17 The signal detected by the stylus when it makes an electrical connection between the two sheets provides a measure of its position .
18 The signal detected by the stylus when it makes an electrical connection between the two sheets provides a sure of its position .
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