Example sentences of "[vb -s] from [noun sg] to [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 In Lesley Hall 's chapter on children 's perception , the emphasis is on visual search and how it develops from infancy to childhood and maturity .
2 I 'll tell you , Crilly , about my first trip to Scotland and the men in chip shops who call you ‘ Hen ’ and the lads wearing green Celtic scarves at lunchtime and broad pointy-horned cattle and graveyards macabre with the tilting of tombstones caked with moss and weeds , sheep grazing and weaving amongst them , and a coastal fishing town in Harris where a night sky shimmers only to itself and I am without friends from , the real world and I listen only for the sound of the tin whistle while the boats rock gently in the jetty and the sky rages from beige to black and craggy mountains dart until forever and a fisherman stands , stunning and alone , strong and unnamed , and leads me slowly into that everchanging sea .
3 It takes aim , compensating for the way that light bends as it passes from water to air and squirts a jet of drops , knocking the insect from its foothold so that it falls into the water and can be eaten .
4 The word stretches from wisdom to plot and treachery , though .
5 Modern commercial brands of fish foods come in a variety of shapes , sizes and colour and ranges from flake to pellets and from freeze-dried to frozen .
6 Although people 's institutional knowledge of the comparative costliness of different types of credit is fairly accurate ( in terms , say , of knowing that banks are a cheaper source of loans than HP firms ) , they have little idea of the actual cost of credit , and of how this varies from type to type or firm to firm .
7 In many polygynous species reproductive success varies from hour to hour and day to day and this may cause variation in IRS or DRS to overestimate variation in SRS and LRS .
8 The condition of the patient on transfer varies from theatre to theatre and depends upon whether or not the theatre has a recovery room where patients recover from the immediate effects of the anaesthetic .
9 The neutral or mid-position varies from manufacturer to manufacturer but as the output arm is usually attached to a splined output shaft it can be easily adjusted .
10 Flesh varies from green to orange and is juicy and refreshing .
11 We shall see that in fact , Black British speakers focus on the broadest Creole variety , though they code switch between this and British English to an extent which varies from individual to individual and from situation to situation .
12 The frequency and extent of the roll varies from day to day and from one set of conditions to another .
13 Can teachers plan ahead when class membership varies from day to day or week to week ?
14 The critical moment for harvest varies from year to year and from one plant to the next .
15 As Mensching ( 1988 ) has discussed , erratic rainfall means that the boundary of rainfed cultivation varies from year to year and , as has been mentioned above , land-use pressures have intensified , including cash-crop production .
16 The way in which such imputed values are found varies from case to case and is seldom straightforward .
17 Sexual need — sexual urge , libido , call it what you will — varies from person to person and , in the individual , varies somewhat from time to time .
18 Just how the distinction is established varies from system to system but usually " we " , the insiders , are treated as " true " kin .
19 The Bullock Committee found that ‘ [ t ] he role of a board varies from company to company and is constantly changing with the requirements of business .
20 I think the problem is , that at the moment sex education is so arbitrary and it varies from school to school and from house to house I think they have to make it like a core part of the curriculum , make it compulsory and make it uniform throughout the country , so everybody 's getting the same education , the same quality I think that 'll help .
21 This varies from centre to centre but most specialise in landlord/ tenant , juvenile crimes and care cases , employment and welfare benefits .
22 The actual number of Greater London boroughs controlled by each party naturally varies from election to election and is strongly affected by the national political climate .
23 Who are defined as enemies and what action is taken against them varies from country to country and from time to time .
24 The extent to which these have been achieved varies from authority to authority but , in some , considerable progress has been made towards integration .
25 The successor republics have all adopted presidential-type systems , although the degree of power and authority inhering in the executive president varies from republic to republic and according to prevailing political conditions .
26 When we do this , we find that a critic 's range of activities varies from place to place and period to period .
27 The problem then needs to be formulated in scientific terms and this requires the object to have some property which is unique to its origin , but which varies from place to place and is not significantly modified by manufacture ; the property must also be scientifically detectable .
28 Thus the activities of successive Conservative governments since 1979 may have made the re-emergence of local political activity more likely , but the form that this activity takes , how it varies from place to place and how it develops will be shaped by the interaction of local and national processes .
29 The pH balance of soil varies from place to place and among other factors depends on the bedrock beneath .
30 The number of youngsters sniffing varies from place to place and at different times .
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