Example sentences of "[vb -s] not be [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The course has not been costed at present but this information will be made available as soon as possible .
2 As yet , the manufacturer has not paid civil damages because negligence has not been proven in court .
3 This has not been demonstrated in Britain ; first , because of the lack of judicial review of statutes in Britain , policy issues ( politics ) are often not as self-evidently present as they are in the United States and , second , in the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords where more than one judge sits , panels of judges change , whereas in the United States Supreme Court the same panel of nine judges hears all cases .
4 Although the scheme has not been activated since December 1979 , it remains available as a method of withdrawing cash from the banking system .
5 That said , the drinks sector seemed relieved that the Chancellor has paid some attention to the risk of driving business across the Channel to the Calais supermarkets , the building sector was prepared to look for possible beneficiaries from the approval the Chancellor has given to rail links in South-east England , oil benefited from the abolition of PRT on new North Sea fields , the motor trade seemed to take the threat of fuel taxes in excess of inflation in its stride , and WH Smith reflected a sense of relief that VAT has not been extended to books and newspapers .
6 Her body was found by her husband , who has not been named by police , at their home in Crawley , Sussex .
7 The 44-year-old woman , who has not been named by police , was pulled from the River Wear in Sunderland by firemen on a routine training exercise .
8 The man has not been named by police but was said to be aged 23 .
9 For example , a trip to the Barringtons , a group of villages in the Cotswolds left to ruin by the local landowner rather than allow the houses to be purchased by or let to ex-urbanites , will show that the ‘ loss of community ’ in both a Physical and a social sense , has not been caused by newcomers moving in .
10 Where a vehicle has not been tared in accordance with Note 3 , a ‘ Gross Weight ’ ticket only should be issued .
11 As the present case shows , the position may be different if the tape has not been played in court .
12 However , the conflict between the NEC and Militant has not been conducted in terms of an argument over policy but has developed as another constitutional wrangle .
13 The statutory negligence approach has not been adopted in England and this is probably a good thing .
14 If the cake has not been covered with marzipan , make sure that you invert the cake so that the smooth underside becomes the flat top surface of the finished cake .
15 In France the Directive has not been implemented in order to further nature conservation — that it has done so results by default rather than by design .
16 The other thing to remember is that women who have sex with women may be at risk of HIV infection if they share needles or syringes to inject drugs , or use semen that has not been tested for HIV if they want to get pregnant through self-insemination .
17 Suitable for all hair types this range has not been tested on animals , is totally organic and biodegradable .
18 It would be unthinking , because the acceptance has not been tested in argument .
19 Yet it has not been built without cost .
20 This may be done by conferring on the tenant a right to serve a late notice in the event that the rent has not been determined in accordance with the timetable specified in the lease .
21 British farmers received no warnings and use of the fungicides has not been cut in Britain .
22 The tape , said to have been recorded in December 1989 — two weeks before the so-called Dianagate recording of a conversation between the Princess and her friend James Gilbey — has not been denied by Buckingham Palace .
23 The element of ego-boosting and prestige associated with the headhunter 's call has not been lost on employers , even those who were not headhunted themselves .
24 This reversal of fortunes has not been lost on Wall Street .
25 The sexual overtones of the exchange of rings has not been lost on lovers through the ages to whom a posy was once a sort of promissory ring inscribed on the inside with a message or line of poetry .
26 The potential of replacing fat with a healthier product of similar taste and texture has not been lost on industry .
27 The fact that Mrs Thatcher talks less today about the dangers of ‘ national ’ sovereignty from the Delors version of EMU and more about the ‘ threat to national parliamentary accountability ’ has not been lost on MEPs .
28 Berlin 's newly recovered potential as the economic hub of north-central Europe has not been lost on business .
29 Something that has not been illustrated in Collectair in the past is the printed and illustrated match-slip ( or book-matches ) .
30 R v Stanley ; CA ( Crim Div ) ( Bingham LJ , Ognall , McKinnon JJ ) ; 2 Oct 1989 Where a judge has it in mind to make a compensation order but the possibility has not been raised by counsel , it is the judge 's duty to raise the matter of his own motion so that it may be properly and fairly ventilated .
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