Example sentences of "[vb -s] in [art] [adj] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Figure 7.1 illustrates in a general way the likely sequence of contributing factors , and the two most promising points of intervention .
2 This passage illustrates in a vivid way the fact that the arrangements the judges have made with the Inns are merely the machinery through which the judges perform what remains a judicial duty , and also how decisions on rights of audience are different from decisions on call to the Bar .
3 This logic is set out in a manner that illustrates in an exemplary way the structuralist intention to map out all the possibilities of literature as distinct from its actual manifestations .
4 It complements in a modest way the safety programmes and the ‘ safeguards ’ monitoring carried out by the International Atomic Energy Agency from its headquarters in Vienna .
5 It is also that , even were it not , the reliance on competition between economic units inevitably generates individual/sectional self-interest , and so reproduces in a socialist economy the individualist attitudes and self-seeking practices characteristic of capitalism .
6 This attempt also informs the work of Rayner Heppenstall , an acquaintance of Michel Butor and Nathalie Sarraute , who employs in The Connecting Door the chosisme and frustration of conventional orders and expectations of plot which feature generally in the nouveau roman .
7 But to refer to Wladek as ‘ a typical representative of the culturally passive mass which constitutes in every civilised society the enormous majority of the population ’ is to do less than justice to a tale which is at times very lively indeed and which was surely not written by any ‘ passive ’ sort of person .
8 The formal and technical development of Nizan 's novels reflects in a mediated form the changing historical circumstances in which each text was produced .
9 It explores in a metaphorical way the ideas of performance , ritual , religion and the image-making machinations of the media .
10 Moreover , because SERPS provides the basis for the guaranteed minimum pension within occupational schemes , this measure also replicates in the private sector the disadvantage experienced by women in the public sector .
11 If the donor dies more than seven years after the gift , there 's no duty at all payable If he dies in the seventh year the whole duty is reduced by 60 per cent , if in the sixth by 30 per cent , and in the fifth 15 per cent . ’
12 It condenses in a vivid image the most extreme form of violence and domination imaginable : the treatment of a social being as an animal , and the incorporation of its substance into one 's own body .
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