Example sentences of "[not/n't] [adv] [verb] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The terms ‘ old age ’ and ‘ retirement ’ are often used interchangeably , but they do not necessarily refer to the same things .
2 It may be that the policy of differing rates of support for different categories of residential and nursing homes clients encourages some specialisation. b Literature A survey of registered nursing homes in Edinburgh showed that about 70% of residents suffered mild , moderate or severe dementia , but figures varied from home to home , indicating differing practices , not necessarily related to the declared policy of the homes ( Primrose and Capewell , 1987 ) .
3 Data storage is divided into control intervals which are continuous areas of storage of a size that is not necessarily related to the physical make-up of the device on which the data is stored .
4 It was widely believed that the courts were used to further disputes which were not necessarily related to the ostensible complaint .
5 However , please note that holidays do not necessarily return to the same port of departure .
6 In discussing the various types of eruption that are generally recognized , it was emphasized that labels such as ‘ Strombolian ’ or ‘ Plinian ’ should only be applied to recognizable phases of an eruption ; they may not necessarily apply to the whole thing .
7 They 're standard army ammunition , but not necessarily issued to the British Army — again , the Ministry of Defence should be able to tell you if they 've come from some British Army depot or not .
8 I give my hon. Friend the Member for Islington , South and Finsbury an undertaking that we are committed to a terminal at King 's Cross , but we are not necessarily committed to the expensive and grandiose project , which seems to depend on property values that were optimistic three or four years ago and are hopelessly pessimistic now .
9 ‘ Industrial democracy ’ on the other hand is a term which is generally taken to refer to particular practices of management already operating in certain capitalist economies ( e.g. West Germany ) or specific proposals such as those of the Bullock Committee ( Bullock , 1977 ) , practices and proposals which give some role to workers or their representatives in enterprise decision-making , but which are not necessarily linked to the overall social planning of the economy in the interests of working people .
10 They can be easily reconfigured between different product lines ( Cohen and Zysman , 1987 : ch. 9 ) and do not necessarily conform to the linear layout .
11 The main points arising from this are that : ( 1 ) the vowel system is totally different from mainstream British English in terms of vowel-length , vowel-height , diphthongization and other properties ( for example , vowel-length is not usually contrastive , as it is alleged to be in RP , and so most vowel-phonemes , such as /e/ , as in gate , save , are realized as considerably longer or shorter allophones according to consonantal environment ) ; ( 2 ) allophones of phonemes can overlap phonetically with allophones of other phonemes in a manner that is not permitted by classical phoneme theory ( Bloomfield , 1933 ) ; ( 3 ) lexical items do not necessarily belong to the same vowel phoneme classes as they do in RP and SBE ( for example , whereas good and food have different vowels in most SBE , they have the same vowel in Ulster English ) ; and ( 4 ) many sets of lexical items exhibit vowel alternations , in that the vowels in these items are realizations of two different phonemes .
12 The second reason for this relative complexity is that , as we have already noticed , given lexical items do not necessarily belong to the same sets as in ‘ standard ’ English .
13 However , those who share the same class situation will not necessarily belong to the same status group .
14 The third talk brought the comment : ‘ It is not enough to say to the hungry , ‘ Be fed ’ , or to the naked , ‘ Be clothed ’ . ’
15 It is all standard royal stuff , but not much help to the millions who fear that Hong Kong will not remain open after 1997 .
16 Rousseau was keenly aware that majority decisions , or even unanimous ones , are not necessarily right — right , that is , not only according to the moral criteria of any particular individual but from the point of view of the good of the community itself .
17 First , that early prognosis after the first variceal haemorrhage is not only related to the residual liver function but also to the requirement in transfusions within the 72 hours after the admission .
18 I not only listened to the hon. Gentleman 's arguments tonight , but I have read the other speeches that he has made throughout the passage of the Bill .
19 This is not only damaging to the final exam marks of the Student ( since a Student who had managed 60% in the Final Examination could fail because their End of Module Tests reduce the mark ) , but foolish , since they can take as many retakes of the End of Module Tests as they wish in order to achieve a good pass-mark .
20 3.18 The consideration that loss of amenities may be more serious for someone already disabled than for someone who is not does not only apply to the elderly .
21 A good headteacher ( and chair of governors ) in this conception is a person ( usually a man ) who is not only committed to the above ideals but can also see ways of circumventing any constraints upon this style placed by ‘ outside interference ’ such as the advice of the LEA and/or the teacher unions/staff representatives .
22 These beliefs not only explain to the ordinary language-user things she might have observed for herself , they also regulate linguistic behaviour .
23 We take rigorous steps to ensure that our brands are not only produced to the highest specifications possible , but that the quality of our products remains consistently excellent — whatever the product and wherever it is brewed or sold .
24 TIM BURTON , currently Hollywood 's golden boy with Batman Returns , is not just sticking to the obvious — even if there 's a vast amount of money in it .
25 The environment in North Yorkshire is not just confined to the green field sites , it is also confined to the the small villages , the market towns .
26 Aggression is not just confined to the larger breeds however , but can also be noted in the case of small dogs .
27 It hinted at the indiscrimination of death , that it was not just confined to the sick or injured .
28 The Range Rover flywheel is heavier than the SDI flywheel and is not best suited to the 3500S engine .
29 What precisely he could do about it was not immediately clear since even the Mamur Zapt 's writ did not normally extend to the domestic relationship between man and wife .
30 Although not directly connected to the constitutional difficulties being experienced by Canada , McKenna acknowledged the indirect connection when , speaking of the growing co-operation between the four provinces , he admitted that he had " seen more co-operation during the last six months than I 've seen in the last five years that I 've been Premier " .
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