Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] to [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yet this radical worker , formed in the revolutionary school of before 1848 , was to make his mark on labour history as the cautious , moderate and above all efficient administrator of the greatest of the ‘ new model ’ skilled unions , the Amalgamated Society of Engineers ; and was both a practising Anglican churchman and ‘ in politics a sound and consistent liberal , not given to political quackery in any form ’ .
2 Two principal ( albeit contradictory ) difficulties arose : the belief of the governments of some member states ( including the UK ) that any such procedure should be voluntary , and the fact that Vredeling was not limited to collective representation of employees through trade unions .
3 I am vulnerable to the inference here that my inquiry has vested interests ; that because I am an African-American and a writer I stand to benefit in ways not limited to intellectual fulfilment from this line of questioning .
4 And and a funny thing is , it 's not limited to social class within Holland itself .
5 Officials let it be understood that Turkey would not object to Kurdish autonomy in a federal Iraq , but Özal , interviewed on March 29 , said that the Kurdish leaders " were clearly told they should definitely not consider a separate state " .
6 Unix Solutions director , Quing Tsang , adds that its agreement with Sun does not run to supporting software on the Mountain View , California-based company 's kit , only on its own , at present .
7 Mr MacSharry has insisted that he will not return to Irish politics after his Brussels term ends , but intends to farm in his native Sligo .
8 Her adherence to some of the beliefs has been inspired by and is to that extent under some pressure not amounting to undue pressure from her mother .
9 I think the only drawback in that was , it 's been discuss , that , if you are dealing with money here you are expected to be , but I ca n't see that 'll make any difference because we 're not tied to National cost at the bazaar are we ?
10 Perhaps we could start by banishing that anachronism with which otherwise good arguments have been blemished , and not refer to mass consumption of manufactured goods before the twentieth century .
11 Although such correlations do not amount to conclusive evidence of a causal relationship between opioid use and social deprivation , they do indicate a stable association between variations in the two phenomena over time .
12 It did not apply to sexual intercourse under certain circumstances , as where the husband 's conduct was of a particularly outrageous nature .
13 The growing influence of the Left among middle-class intellectuals did not correspond to increasing militancy in the working class nor to growing anti-Conservatism among the voters .
14 Firstly , it is worth noting that if the Lorenz equations ( Section 24.2 ) are considered as modelling convection in a loop ( Figs. 17.4 , 17.5 ) , then the chaotic solutions of the equations do not correspond to turbulent flow in the loop .
15 This can not lead to successful implementation of computer systems : managers need to participate in the change and this will motivate their subordinates .
16 It was concerned that proposed new arrangements should not lead to undue development in sensitive areas and it favoured a degree of continuing Government control over minimum standards at motorway service areas .
17 Although these conditions place a premium on the ‘ intangibles ’ of technical and market knowledge , they have not led to full verticality in the firms ' fixed assets .
18 As was pointed out earlier , hearing users of BSL are not progressing to full competence in the language and are very likely to use English syntax for sign-based messages .
19 Locke , although not opposed to corporal punishment as a final sanction , nor indeed for very young children of an age too tender to be reasoned with , in order to instil the necessary fear and awe that a child should have for an adult , strongly disapproved of beating once formal education had begun , just as he was equally opposed to bribing the child to work through material rewards .
20 Nevertheless , by ‘ obey ’ Paul is not referring to servile obedience to an authoritarian master , but an injunction to workers to carry out the job an employer has for them to accomplish .
21 Preferential treatment is not extended to foreign investment in shipping agencies or travel agencies , and on the retail side joint ventures ( 51% Singaporean ) are preferred .
22 Will he say that the United Kingdom will not agree to Turkish membership of the EC so long as any Turkish troops are present in Cyprus against the wishes of the present sovereign Government of Cyprus ?
23 ( The fountain did not play : Esther was not a magician , and college rooms did not rise to running water for people , let alone fountains . )
24 If there is any , any time left the honourable gentleman shall have it , erm the honourable gentleman , the member for Nottingham North did say that he d was n't looking to proportional representation for these elections , I think he was absolutely right , I hope that piece of good sense which he displayed then will be one that wi he will invest his thoughts in when it comes , we come back to these questions later .
25 And hair roots ca n't respond to physical stimulation in that way .
26 do n't get to old age with no money .
27 I think they did n't like a lot of bright light in the house in the fifties , er and of course before that and er now that people they 've got such good lighting in the offices where they work that they feel that , well they ca n't bear to poor lighting at home and yet there are still people who will watch a colour television with er no lights on in the room at all
28 So he did n't listen to odd jibe about our millionaire friend , and he did n't ask them to pay .
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