Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] they [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If county shops put fanzines in , then we spectators can decide whether or not to slog them out of the ground after a couple of deliveries .
2 We are not forcing them out of the NHS ; they will remain in the NHS , and the services will remain free at the point of delivery .
3 This offer wo n't be affected by ZZAP ! 's impending refit , but we 're not sending them out until the end of November — every time we offer solutions , requests pour in the day after the mag hits the shelf .
4 I think , a lot of people see the stray dogs problem as a big problem , certainly if people have decided to partake of pets , they have a responsibility to look after them and not throw them out on the streets .
5 Do not pull them on with the nuts , but make sure they fit on their own first , then smear copper anti-seize compound onto the wheel face and centre before fitting .
6 You do n't want them up in the top the next group
7 I do n't want them out of the way , I 'm just saying how many you 've got !
8 with their help and medication , I mean you do n't sling them out on the street
9 Like get back the dustbins which took them out but she did n't bring them back at the end of the drive erm and I hope that Paul tells him off !
10 Er , you would n't call them in for the petty things .
11 They did n't they did n't take them out of the Joe you know erm
12 One , two , three , four five six , seven , eight no one , two three , four there 's nine so we 'll probably have to take some stools in , but I wo n't take them in till the last minute .
13 Yeah well you could n't put them back in the wild now .
14 Yeah , he has n't put them up since the budget
15 Now the front door is secure — do n't let them in at the back !
16 Just say Wayne said can he have his videos and if she do n't cough them up in the week , say you do n't get any more money until he gets his videos back .
17 You did n't turn them on until the second part .
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