Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] for [pron] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Well , not too radical actually , since trades unionists are not noted for their enthusiasm for rapid change .
2 TICKET touts are not known for their flair for public relations .
3 In the familiar world in which we live , ducklings are not known for their propensity for attacking farmers ; they are classed among the victims of the killing process .
4 The NME succumbed to The Smiths success by parading a lengthy Smiths interview by Biba Kopf , a writer not known for his enthusiasm for the Smiths .
5 Well , I I was fairly new in the company myself so I had n't worked for his father for long before took over the managership or chairmanship or whatever he is , so I I 'm really not too sure about the whole thing but certainly for a quarry manager or quarry director or owner , he did n't really know the slate as well as the workers , and he was expecting things out of his workers and the slate , the product , that were really just not on .
6 Swedish chief Tommy Svensson declared : ‘ If Anders does n't play for his club for some time then it 's going to be very difficult for me to pick him .
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