Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [to-vb] at [noun prp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is understood , in any case , that Keegan would not want to work at St James 's Park with Sir John holding control in the boardroom .
2 Melanie kept her eyes on the witch-ball so as not to have to look at Uncle Philip .
3 They were n't expected to win at Franklin Gardens , but then again Gloucester are at their best when the challenge is toughest .
4 ‘ You do n't have to shout at Miss Bailey , George , ’ said his wife .
5 If I could get a job doing summat like that I reckon I would n't have to stay at Combe Court .
6 If you wo n't come to stay at Mrs Gracie 's , I shall go alone , and find work of some kind to keep myself .
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