Example sentences of "[not/n't] [verb] [to-vb] [pron] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Conservative Members do not want to hear what a former Conservative leader has to say .
2 I do not need to tell you the potential problems and chaos that the delay is causing to the reorganisation of the leagues next season .
3 The Good Retirement Guide is not designed to offer you a ready-made philosophy or a few rose-tinted blueprints on the theme ‘ Life Begins in Middle Age ’ .
4 I would not like to think what the wrong type would do to , say , the bacteria in your filter !
5 Yeah , I mean that 's not going to miss us a particular slot in the in the publication .
6 I sure hope you 're not going to give me a hard time after I just travelled three thousand miles to see you , ’ Donna said , her eyes crinkling as she gave Alex another bear hug .
7 ‘ My mistress 's niece , that 's her on top of the furniture , is not going to pay you the extra twopence , ’ said the driver .
8 Democrats are hence navigating , as one of them put it , between the Scylla of not wishing to undercut Mr Bush 's diplomacy and the Charybdis of not wishing to give him a blank cheque .
9 The prosecutor is not required to prove who the particular victim of the defendant 's violence actually was .
10 D I did n't want to give him a false impression .
11 Now , I do n't want to give you a boring lesson about the markets of the day , suffice to say that in 1520 hard cash was rare , most of it being tied up in fields , lands and houses , so it was natural for people like Ralemberg to tout for business .
12 ‘ Do n't hesitate to offer me a large drink ! ’ she squeaks , as she climbs out of her car one sultry afternoon , and they all emerge from the house , astonished , Howard and the boys stripped to the waist .
13 Gazza makes his Lazio debut against his old club and his Tottenham pals are n't going to give him an easy ride .
14 In a way , it was n't a gamble as he was relatively young at 26 , and it was n't going to cost us a great deal .
15 ‘ Do n't try to give her a good character , Mrs Fairfax , ’ said Mr Rochester sternly .
16 I know but you do n't have to do it every single day do you ?
17 Well I do n't , I do n't have to give him a key as long as I let him in , you do n't have to have a key , but he can arrange , he can arrange for me to be there
18 He did n't have to tell me a second time .
19 One feature maybe one or two benefits and you do n't have to tell them the whole story .
20 ‘ It was the first time I did n't have to worry what the other girls were gon na think , what anyone was gon na think and if I do n't like what happens I can cut it out …
21 And I do n't bother to find myself a reflective surface wherein to follow them-although no doubt the gleam in Rainbow 's eye , or the slick of moisture on Anya 's parted lips , would do at a pinch .
22 Look at all this new technology there is around now , and then tell me we ca n't afford to give everyone a proper home .
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